In the Laboratory of Psychophysics, we investigate visual information processing in human observers with psychophysical methods, TMS, EEG, and mathematical modelling. Main topics of research are: feature integration, contextual modulation, time course of information processing, and perceptual learning. In clinical studies, deficits of visual information processing are investigated in schizophrenic patients.
For example:

Non-retinotopic motion. A group of three black disks is moving back and forth. On the center disk, a white dot appears to move on a clock-wise trajectory. However, this trajectoy only exists in a coordinate system which moves with the group, i.e. in a non-retinotopic frame of reference (assuming no eye movements are taking place).
This becomes immediately evident when the outer two disks (with respect to the retinotopic frame of reference) are covered. Now, the white dots are perceived retinotopically, in which case they move on a up-down and right- left trajectory, respectively.
Boi, Öğmen, Krummenacher, Otto, Herzog (2009): A (fascinating) litmus test for human retino- vs. non-retinotopic processing.
This becomes immediately evident when the outer two disks (with respect to the retinotopic frame of reference) are covered. Now, the white dots are perceived retinotopically, in which case they move on a up-down and right- left trajectory, respectively.
Boi, Öğmen, Krummenacher, Otto, Herzog (2009): A (fascinating) litmus test for human retino- vs. non-retinotopic processing.