Prof. Michael Herzog
Prof. Michael Herzog
(Head of the lab)
Prof. Michael Herzog
Station 19
CH-1015 Lausanne
email [email protected]
phone +41 21 693 9646
office SV 2807


  • Otto TU, Öğmen H, Herzog MH (2009). Non-retinotopic feature integration is pre-attentive. Vision Sciences Society Meeting (May 8-13, 2009 in Naples, FL, USA), Journal of Vision, 9(8):233, 233a.
  • Albrecht E, Aberg KC, Tartaglia EM, Soom P, Farron A, Kern C, Herzog MH (2009). Auditory stimulation does not induce implicit memory during anaesthesia. Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation (October 29-31, 2009 in Interlaken, Switzerland), Swiss Medical Weekly, 139, 8S-8S.
  • Chkonia E, Roinishvili M, Herzog MH, Brand A (2009). The relation between the general intellect of schizophrenic patients and psychopathological deterioration. 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (June 28 – July 2, 2009 in Paris, France), Abstracts of The 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, p126.
  • Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH (2009). Schizophrenic and bipolar patients reveal identical backward masking deficits. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p102.
  • Bakanidze G, Puls I, Brand A, Herzog MH, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E (2009). The influence of genetic variants of the CHRNA7 gene on backward masking in schizophrenic patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259 Supplement 1, S101.
  • Brand A, Chkonia E, Roinishvili M, Herzog MH (2009). The Continuous Performance Test is not an endophenotype for schizophrenia. 2nd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259 Supplement 1, S53.
  • Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Herzog MH, Brand A (2009). Shared backward masking deficits in schizophrenic and bipolar patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259 Supplement 1, S53.
  • Plomp G, Mercier M, Otto TU, Blanke O, Herzog MH (2009). Neural correlates of non-retinotopic feature integration as revealed by statistical parametric mapping of high-density EEG source estimates. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting (in Champèry, Switzerland).
  • Plomp G, Michel CM, Herzog MH (2009). Electrical source dynamics in functional localizer paradigms. Consciousness and its Measures (November 29 – December 1, 2009 in Limassol, Cyprus).
  • Plomp G, Mercier M, Otto TU, Blanke O, Herzog MH (2009). Electrical brain imaging with high-density EEG reveals extensive neural correlates of non-retinotopic feature integration. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (June 18-23, 2009 in San Francisco, CA, USA), NeuroImage, 47 Supplement 1, p63.
  • Plomp G, Mercier M, Otto TU, Blanke O, Herzog MH (2009). Non-retinotopic feature integration has a neural pace of its own, as revealed by electrical brain imaging. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p121.
  • Herzog MH, Boi M, Otto TU, Öğmen H (2009). A Litmus test for retino- vs. non-retinotopic processing. Member-Initiated Symposia, Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting (May 8-13, 2009 in Naples, FL, USA), Journal of Vision, 8(9):22, 22a.
  • Otto TU, Öğmen H, Herzog MH (2009). The visible trace of invisible elements in human vision. 13th annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) (June 5-8, 2009 in Berlin, Germany).
  • Saarela T, Herzog M (2009). Crowding in multi-element arrays: Regularity of spacing. Journal of Vision, 9(8):1017, 1017a.
  • Aberg KC, Herzog MH (2009). Rapid consolidation in visual perceptual learning. 6th Annual Meeting of the Lemanic Neuroscience Programs (in Switzerland).
  • Aberg KC, Herzog MH (2009). Anesthesia prevents perceptual learning. SSP 2009: Interactions: Real and Virtual.
  • Aberg KC, Herzog MH (2009). Temporal patterning of ‘unlearnable’ stimuli types does not always enable learning. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p99.
  • Parkosadze K, Kunchulia M, Roinishvili M, Herzog MH (2009). Age-related differences in temporal processing. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p73.
  • Boi M, Öğmen H, Krummenacher J, Herzog MH (2009). Non-retinotopic visual search. Vision Sciences Society Meeting (May 8-13, 2009 in Naples, FL, USA), Journal of Vision, 9(8):1173, 1173a.
  • Öğmen H, Boi M, Otto TU, Herzog MH (2009). A simple psychophysical paradigm to distinguish retinotopic from non-retinotopic processing in vision. SfN (2009 in Switzerland).
  • Herzog MH, Boi M, Öğmen H, Krummenacher J (2009). Attention operates on non-retinotopic feature maps in visual search. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p45.
  • Reichard L, Wurch W, Grimsen C, Herzog MH, Brand A (2009). The shine-through test: no impairment in depressive and alcohol dependent patients. Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (November 2009 in Bremen, Germany).
  • Brand A, Herzog MH (2009). Backward Masking als Endophänotyp für schizophrene Störungen? Tagung des Kooperationszentrums Medizin der Universität Bremen (September 2009 in Bremen, Germany).
  • Brand A, Chkonia E, Roinishvili M, Herzog MH (2009). The shine-through test as an endophenotype for schizophrenia: Heterogeneity and specificity. 8th Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry (November 6-7, 2009 in Bremen, Germany).
  • Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Kezeli A, Brand A, Herzog MH (2009). Deteriorated backward masking in schizophrenic patients and their relatives. XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009) / Function of Life: Elements and Integration (July 27 – August 1, 2009 in Kyoto), The Journal of Psychological Sciences, 59 Suppl. 1.
  • Sayim B, Westheimer G, Herzog MH (2009). Contextual Modulation and Gestalt. 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society (August 19-20, 2009 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland), Interactions: Real and Virtual, 34.
  • Sayim B, Grubert A, Krummenacher J, Herzog MH (2009). Modulation of Attentional Capture by Display Probabilities in Visual Search. 32nd European Conference on Visual Perception (August 24-29, 2009 in Regensburg, Germany), Perception, 38 ECVP Supplement, p7.
  • Herzog MH, Tartaglia E, Bamert L, Mast F (2009). Perceptual learning by mental imagery. Vision Sciences Society Meeting (May 8-13, 2009 in Naples, FL, USA), Journal of Vision, 9(8):855, 855a.
  • Brand A, Chkonia E, Roinishvili M, Herzog MH (2008). Backward masking: a potential endophenotype for schizophrenia. Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, November 2008 in Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Brand A., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H. (2008). Backward masking as an endophenotype for schizophrenia.Annual meeting of DGPPN in Berlin, Germany.
  • Brand A., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H. (2008). Der Shine-through-Test: ein potenzieller Endophänotyp für schizophrene Störungen.Fachgruppe klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs in Potsdam, Germany.
  • Saarela T.P., Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Crowding is modulated by global stimulus configuration. Perception 37, ECVP Supplement, 171.
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H., Westheimer G. (2008). Grouping explains contextual modulation in low level vision. Perception 37, ECVP Supplement, 81.
  • Tartaglia E., Åberg K.C., Herzog M.H. (2008). When does roving disrupt perceptual learning? Perception 37, ECVP Supplement, 136.
  • Herzog M.H., Tartaglia E., Bamert L., Mast F. (2008). Perceptual learning by mental imagery. Perception 37, ECVP Supplement, 138.
  • Boi M., Otto T.U., Öğmen H., Herzog M.H. (2008). Non-retinotopic motion induced by a Ternus-Pikler display. Perception 37, ECVP Supplement, 40.
  • Boi M., Otto T.U., Öğmen H., Herzog M.H. (2008). Non-retinotopic motion induced by a Ternus-Pikler display. 5th Annual Meeting of the Lemanic Neuroscience Programs, 54, 43c.
  • Rüter J., Scharnowski F., Lironi N., Kammer T., Herzog M.H. (2008). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of early visual but not frontal cortices reveals a feature memory of substantial duration. 3rd International Conference on TMS and tDCS, October 1-4, 2008, Göttingen, Germany.
  • Herzog M.H., Boi M., Öğmen H., Krummenacher J. (2008). Where are the feature maps? Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, 105, Fribourg (Murten), Switzerland.
  • Sayim B., Grubert A.,  Herzog M.H., Krummenacher J. (2008). Top-down modulability of attentional capture by a salient color singleton onset distractor. Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, 127, Fribourg (Murten), Switzerland.
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H., Westheimer G. (2008). The influence of perceptual grouping on visual contextual modulation. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
  • Herzog M.H., Hermens F., Francis G. (2008). Modeling both spatial and temporal aspects of visual microgenesis. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
  • Mercier M., Plomp G., Otto T.U., Blanke O., Herzog M.H. (2008). Selective Attention and feature integration in motion displays, an EEG study. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, January 13-17, Champéry, Switzerland.
  • Otto T.U., Ögmen H., Herzog M.H. (2008). Non-retinotopic feature integration and the role of attention. Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, July 16-19, Fribourg, Switzerland.
  • Crisinel A., Plomp G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Motion grouping prevents individual access to features in human  vision. FENS Abstr.,vol. 4, 190.6.
  • Otto T.U., Ögmen H., Herzog M.H. (2008). Feature integration across space, orientation, and time in human vision. FENS Abstr., vol. 4, 190.12.
  • Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Visual contextual modulation by figural grouping. FENS Abstr., vol 4, 190.15.
  • Tartaglia E., Aaberg K.C., Herzog M.H. (2008). Stimulus interference in visual perceptual learning in roving conditions. FENS Abstr., vol 4, 190.16.
  • Åberg K.C., Tartaglia E.M., Herzog M.H. (2008). Hyperacuity learning requires a minimal intensity of training. FENS Abstr., vol 4, 220.1.
  • Boi M., Otto T.U., Ögmen H., Herzog M.H. (2008). Integration of contrast across non-retinotopic locations. FENS Abstr., vol. 4, 220.4.
  • Marcille N., Rüter J., Herzog M.H., Gerstner W. (2008). Modelling feature-integration in human vision with drift diffusion models. FENS Abstr., vol 4, 220.9.
  • Rüter J., Scharnowski F., Kammer T., Herzog M.H. (2008). How TMS and (light) masks modulate feature integration. FENS Abstr., vol.4, 220.13.
  • Saarela T.P., Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Crowding in human vision is modulated by global stimulus configuration. FENS Abstr., vol. 4, 220.14.
  • Åberg K.C., Tartaglia, E.M., Herzog M.H. (2008). Perceptual learning requires a minimal number of trials per session, but no sleep. Journal of Vision, 8(6):1130, 1130a.
  • Rüter J., Scharnowski F., Kammer T., Herzog M.H. (2008). How TMS and stimulus off/on signals modulate feature integration.  Journal of Vision, 8(6): 357, 357a.
  • Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Figural grouping affects contextual modulation in low level vision. Journal of Vision, 8(6):436, 436a.
  • Saarela T., Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Configural modulation of crowding. Journal of Vision, 8(6):435, 435a.
  • Tartaglia E., Åberg K.C., Herzog M.H. (2008). Roving in perceptual learning: stimulus interference and overlapping neural populations. Journal of Vision, 8(6):479, 479a.
  • Rüter J., Scharnowski F., Kammer T., Herzog M.H. (2008). How TMS and (light) masks modulate feature integration. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, January 13-17, Champéry, Switzerland.
  • Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2008). Der Einfluss von Gruppierung auf visuo-kontextuelle Modulation. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Marburg, 181.
  • Saarela T. P., Sayim, B., Westheimer G., Herzog M. H. (2007). Modulation of crowding by stimulus configuration. Tvärminne, Finland.
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H., Westheimer G. (2007). Contextual modulation of vernier thresholds by chromaticity-based grouping mechanisms. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 907a.
  • Saarela T., Herzog M. (2007). Temporal characteristics and surround modulation of contrast masking. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 258a.
  • Rüter J., Scharnowski F., Herzog M.H. (2007). Modulation of feature fusion by visual masking. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 382.
  • Scharnowski F., Rüter J., Jolij J., Hermens F., Kammer T., Herzog M.H. (2007). Transcranial magnetic stimulation of early visual cortex reveals a window of integration of substantial duration. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 1016.
  • Herzog M., Duangudom V., Francis G. (2007). Spatial layout determines metacontrast masking. Journal of Vision, 7(9):1015.
  • Rüter J, Scharnowski F, Jolij J, Hermens F, Kammer T, Herzog M.H. (2007). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Early Visual Cortex Reveals a Window of Integration of Substantial Duration. 4th Annual Meeting of the Lemanic Neuroscience Programs, September 11-15, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
  • Otto T.U., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2007). When features go around the corner in human vision. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 915a.
  • Brand A., Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H. (2007). Backward Masking: a potential endophenotype for schizophrenia. 1st European Conference on Schizophrenia Research.
  • Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Backward masking as an endophenotype of schizophrenia. 2nd Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium (LSS07), 29-31 August 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Sayim B., Westheimer G., Herzog M.H. (2007). Grouping by color and its effects on contextual modulation. 2nd Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium (LSS07), Lausanne, Switzerland, 83.
  • Saarela T.P., Herzog, M.H. (2007). Time-course and surround modulation of contrast masking. 2nd Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium (LSS07), Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Ogmen H., Aydin M., Herzog M.H. (2007). Differential perceived speeds explain the apparent compression in slit viewing. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 213.
  • Aydin M., Herzog M.H., Ogmen H. (2007). Compression in slit viewing occurs not in space but at object level. Journal of Vision, 7(9), 197.
  • Hermens F., Scharnowski F. Herzog M.H. (2007). Feature integration independent of awareness. `Blinks of the Mind’, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H., Westheimer G. (2007). Kontextuelle Modulation von Vernier-Schwellen durch farbinduzierte Gruppierungsmechanismen. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Trier, 36.
  • Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Deteriorated backward masking in healthy relatives of schizophrenic patients. SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 89.
  • Åberg K.C., Tartaglia E., Herzog M.H. (2007). Can roving in perceptual learning be explained by overlapping populations of neuron? SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 89.
  • Boi M., Otto T.U., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2007). Non-retinotopic feature attribution: everything moves, but not everything fuses. SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 84.
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H., Westheimer, G. (2007). How grouping by color and contrast affects contextual modulation. SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 81.
  • Herzog M.H., Åberg K.C., Tartaglia E. (2007). Top-down and bottom-up processing in perceptual learning. SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 76.
  • Tartaglia E., Åberg K.C., Herzog M.H. (2007). A top-dowon driven model of perceptual learning. SSP 2007: Differences, Diversity and Change, 54.
  • Boi M., Otto T.U., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2007). Feature attribution of Gabors and faces in the Ternus-Pikler display. Perception Supplement, 36, 85.
  • Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2006). Backward masking and spatio-temporal processing in schizophrenic patients. Meeting at the Hanse Center for Advanced Research, in Delmenhorst, Germany.
  • Brand A., Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H. (2006). Visual Backward Masking: an Endophenotype of Schizophrenia? INS/SVNP/GNP Meeting in Zürich, Switzerland.
  • Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2006). Perceptual vs. Cognitive Deficits as Potential endophenotypes of Schizophrenia. 6th Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Bremen, Germany, 8-9.12.2006.
  • Herzog M.H., Roinishvili, M., Brand, A. (2006). Top-down and bottom-up processing in schizophrenic patients. 6th Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Bremen, 8-9.12.2006.
  • Hermens F., Scharnowski F., Herzog M.H. (2006). Visual grouping: Temporal and spatial interactions. Dag van de Perceptie, TNO Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
  • Sayim B., Herzog M.H. (2006). Effects of contextual elements on vernier thresholds in peripheral vision. Perception 35, ECVP Supplement, 45.
  • Herzog M.H., Duangudom V., Francis G. (2006). The spatial layout and not the target-mask energy ratio determines backward masking. Perception Supplement, 35, 66.
  • Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2006). Complex contextual suppression in schizophrenia patients. Perception Supplement, 35, 135.
  • Malania M., Herzog M.H., Westheimer G. (2006). Grouping of contextual elements that affect Venier thresholds in the human fovea. Perception Supplement, 35, 174.
  • Saarela T. P., Herzog M. H. (2006). Centre-surround interactions in backward masking. Perception Supplement 35, 45-46.
  • Tartaglia E., Tabin G., Otto T.U., Herzog M.H. (2006). Matching response to stimulus alternatives in perceptual learning. Perception Supplement, 35, 41-42.
  • Parkosadze K., Otto T.U., Malania M., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H. (2006). Perceptual learning in roving conditions: Slow but specific. Perception Supplement, 35, 40-41.
  • Otto T.U., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2006). What is masked in masking? Perception Supplement, 35, 67.
  • Otto T.U., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2006). The visible trace of invisible elements. Conference “Visual masking and the dynamics of vision and consciousness”, Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg Delmenhorst.
  • Herzog M.H., Duangudom V., Otto T.U. (2006). Spatial grouping and visual backward masking. Conference “Visual masking and the dynamics of vision and consciousness”, Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg Delmenhorst.
  • Overney L.S., Blanke O., Herzog M.H. (2006). Perceptual differences in tennis players and triathletes: Superiority of tennis players in time-related tasks. 6th World Conference “The Engineering of Sport” (ISEA), 11-14 July, Munich, Germany.
  • Overney L.S., Blanke O., Herzog M.H. (2006). Perceptual differences in tennis players and triathletes: Superiority of tennis players in time-related tasks. 11th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), 5-8 July, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Scharnowski F., Herzog M.H. (2006). Contextual Modulation and Feature Integration. In: H. Hecht, S. Berti, G. Meinhardt, M. Gamer (Eds.), Experimentelle Psychologie. Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (pp.59). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Herzog M.H., Hermens F., Saarela T.P. (2006). Grouping and Contextual Modulation. In: H. Hecht, S. Berti, G. Meinhardt, M. Gamer (Eds.), Experimentelle Psychologie. Beiträge zur 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (pp.58). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Otto T.U., Zhaoping L., Fahle M., Herzog M.H. (2006). Perceptual learning with spatial uncertainties: models and experiments. EPFL-LATSIS Symposium “Dynamical Principles for Neuroscience and Intelligent Biomimetic Devices”, Lausanne, 8-10. March 2006.
  • Aydin M., Herzog M.H., Ogmen H. (2006). The investigation of compression effects in slit viewing. 2006 ECE Graduate Research Conference, University of Houston, Houston, TX, March 31st, 2006.
  • Holzer L., Halfon O., Jaugey L., Herzog M.H. (2006). Deficit of Early Information Processing in Adolescents with Psychotic Disorders Revealed by Visual Backward Masking. Biological Psychiatry,59, 8, Suppl. 1, P234S, 766.
  • Holzer L., Jaugey L., Halfon O., Herzog M.H. (2006). Deficit of Early Information Processing in Adolescents with Psychotic Disorders Revealed by Visual Backward Masking. Schizophrenia Research, 81, Suppl. 1, 219-220.
  • Brand A., Kopmann S., Herzog M.H. (2005). Intakte und gestörte Prozesse der frühen visuellen Verarbeitung bei schizophrenen Patienten. Annual meeting of DGPPN in Berlin, Germany.
  • Dombrowe I., Hermens F., Herzog M.H. (2005). The role of spatial layout in visual masking. Proceedings of the 10th winter conference of the Dutch Psychonomic Society.
  • Hermens F., Dombrowe I., Herzog M.H. (2005). What determines the strength of a mask? Proceedings of the 10th winter conference of the Dutch Psychonomic Society.
  • Aydin M., Herzog M.H., Ogmen H. (2005). Motion-induced grouping guides feature attribution. Third Annual GCC Conference on Theoretical & Computational Neuroscience.
  • Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2005). Deficits of visual information processing in schizophrenic patients and their healthy relatives. Perception Supplement, 34, 68-69.
  • Malania M., Otto T.U., Parkosadze K., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H. (2005). Perceptual learning: No improvement under roving? Perception Supplement, 34, 75.
  • Sharikadze M., Fahle M., Herzog M.H. (2005). Attention and feature integration. Perception Supplement, 34, 181.
  • Herzog M.H., Ogmen H. (2005). Where features go to in human vision. Perception Supplement, 34, 46.
  • Scharnowski F., Hermens F., Herzog M.H. (2005). Why the Temporal Order of Events Determines Feature Integration. Perception Supplement, 34, 129-130.
  • Hermens F., Sharikadze M., Herzog M.H. (2005). Visual backward masking: Effects of mask homogeneity. Perception Supplement, 34, 107.
  • Otto T.U., Herzog M.H. (2005). Grouping Based Feature Transportation. Perception Supplement, 34, 201.
  • Hermens F., Herzog M.H. (2005). A one-layer Wilson-Cowan type model of visual masking. Ninth International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Ogmen H., Herzog M.H. (2005). Spatio-temporal integration in grouping-based feature attribution. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 960a.
  • Hermens F., Luksys G., Gerstner W., Herzog M.H. (2005). Visual backward masking: Feed-forward or recurrent? Journal of Vision, 5(8), 764a.
  • Scharnowski F., Herzog M.H. (2005). Feature integration is determined by the temporal order of events. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 761a.
  • Otto T.U., Herzog M.H. (2005). Transporting features. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 502a.
  • Herzog M.H., Ogmen H. (2005). Perceptual grouping induces real-time remapping of retinotopy. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 498a.
  • Herzog M.H., (2005). Visuelle Maskierung: feedforward oder rekurrent? 47. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, 80.
  • Scharnowski F., Herzog M.H. (2005). Time Will Tell: The Temporal Order of Events Determines Feature Integration. In: Bülthoff HH, Mallot HA, Ulrich R, Wichmann FA (eds): Beiträge zur 8. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 202, Knirsch Verlag, Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany.
  • Brand A, Herzog M.H. (2005). Early visual processing in schizophrenia: Intact and deficient processes. 5th Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Nijmegen.
  • Herzog M.H., Marbach S., Brand A. (2004). Intact and deficient visual information processing in schizophrenic patients. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Suppl., 13.
  • Brand A., Kopmann S., Herzog M.H. (2004). Subgroups of schizophrenia determined by backward masking. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Suppl., 17.
  • Giersch A., Herzog M.H. (2004). Lorazepam strongly prolongs visual information processing, but not diazepam. 8ème congrès de la Société Française de Pharmacologie, Strasbourg 26-28 avril 2004, 269.
  • Herzog M. (2004). Grouping and contextual modulation. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, 112.
  • Herzog M. (2004). Collinear Suppression. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 188.
  • Rüter J., Herzog M., Kammer T. (2004). Probing Feature Binding by TMS and Light Masking. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 111.
  • Rüter J., Kabisch C., Herzog M., Kammer T. (2003). Probing Feature Binding by TMS and Light Masking. Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz, Hindelang-Oberjoch, 20.
  • Brand A., Marbach S., Herzog M.H. (2003). Feature fusion – a binding process – is not impaired in schizophrenia. 4th Conference on Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Bochum.
  • Herzog M.H. (2003). Spatial grouping determines temporal integration. Regionalkolloquium zur Kognitionspsychologie, Braunschweig.
  • Sharikadze M., Kezeli A., Fahle M., Herzog M.H. (2003). Feature mis-localization and attentional binding. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck, 439.
  • Rüter J., Kabisch C., Herzog M., Kammer T. (2003). Probing Feature Binding by TMS and Light Masking. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck, 432.
  • Otto T., Fahle M., Herzog M.H. (2003). The Time Course of Feature Integration. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck, 425.
  • Land R., Schumann F., Scholz J., Helduser C., Carl C., Schindler S., Corves C., Lesemann E., Herzog M.H. (2003). Ultra-fast object segmentation. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck, 411.
  • Herzog M.H. (2003). Collinear Suppression. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck
  • Ganseforth L.-M., Herzog M.H. (2003). Precise feature binding during the first few milliseconds of visual information processing. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrueck, 386.
  • Frehe P., Cichy R., Wolf T., Dombrowe I., Goldbach M., Nortmann N., Wittenberg C., Stoessel C., Sinke C., Herzog M. (2003). Localizing Collinear Suppression. Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03, Osnabrück, 385.
  • Sharikadze M., Otto T., Kezeli A.R., Fahle M., Herzog M.H. (2003). The time course of visual feature binding. Perception Supplement, 32, 116a.
  • Herzog M.H., Schmonsees U., Fahle M. (2003). Collinear contextual suppression. Perception Supplement, 32, 115a
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (2003). Kontexuelle Gestalt bestimmt kontextuelle Modulation. 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Kiel, 88b.
2002 and before
  • Otto T., Sharikadze M., Herzog M. (2002). The time course of feature binding. Conference “Cognitive and emotional neuroscience”, Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg Delmenhorst, 4.-6.12.2002.
  • Lesemann E., Ganseforth L.M., Herzog M. (2002). Ultra-precise object grouping. Conference “Cognitive and emotional neuroscience”, Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg Delmenhorst, 4.-6.12.2002.
  • Kabisch C., Land R., Herzog M. (2002). Ultra-fast object segmentation. Conference “Cognitive and emotional neuroscience”, Hanse Wissenschaftkolleg Delmenhorst, 4.-6.12.2002. Best poster prize awarded.
  • Herzog M.H. (2002). Grouping determines contextual modulation. Symposium: Logic and Creativity. University of Osnabrueck.
  • Ernst U., Etzold A., Herzog M.H., Eurich C.W. (2002). Transient activation of neuronal populations in a cortical model accounts for the transient visibility of masked stimuli. Society of Neuroscience.
  • Zhaoping L., Dayan P., Herzog M.H., (2002). Positional variation in perceptual learning: Quadratic ideal observation, recurrent preprocessing and transfer. Perception Supplement, 31, 94A.
  • Herzog M.H., Zhaoping L. (2002). Decreasing suppression of target visibility by increasing the number of suppressors. Perception Supplement, 31, 93C.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (2002). Grouping rather than orientation determines contextual modulation. Journal of Vision, 2(7), 709.
  • Francis G., Herzog M.H. (2002). Testing quantitative neural models of backward masking. Proceedings of the sixth ICCNS.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M., (2002). Illusionaere Illusionen. Beitraege zur 5. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Ernst U., Etzold A., Eurich C., Herzog M.H. (2002). Transiente Merkmalsbindung und raumzeitliche Aktivitaetsdynamik in einem Modell des visuellen Kortext. Die Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Regensburg, Germany (Symposium Physik im Hirn).
  • Brand A., Groeger T., Kopmann S., Knak S., Herzog M.H. (2001). Deficits of early visual processing in schizophrenia. Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia and Organic Brain Disease.
  • Axel Etzold, Christian Eurich, Michael Herzog, Udo Ernst (2001). Shine-through — dynamical effects. 1st Symposium of the Volkswagen-Stiftung: Dynamics and Adaptivity of Neuronal Systems- Integrative Approaches to Analyzing Cognitive functions.
  • Brand A., Herzog M.H, Groeger T. (2001). Nicht-semantisches visuelles Backward Masking zeigt Defizite der visuellen Verarbeitung bei schizophrenen Stoerungen. Gesundheitswesen in Bremen.
  • Herzog M.H., Otto T., Fahle M., (2001). Freed, snared, and integrated features. Perception Supplement, 30.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M., (2001). First is Best. First Vision Sciences Conference.
  • Eurich C. W., Bormann R., Herzog M.H. (2001). A dynamical system approach to emerging visibility as found in the shine-through effect. Proceedings of the fifth ICCNS, #33.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M., (2001). First is Best. Journal of Vision, 1(3), 49a. (also: Erster Bester, Beitraege zur 4. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 53)
  • Kammer T., Herzog M.H., (2001). Discrimination determined by detection: a TMS study of visual perception. Beitraege zur 4. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 63.
  • Herzog M.H., Koch C., Fahle M. (2000). Aspects of the first milliseconds of human information processing. Perception Supplement, 29, 59a.
  • Fahle M., Ewald K.R.F., Herzog M.H. (2000). Learning of faulty information? Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41/4, No. 243.
  • Herzog M.H., Koch C. (2000). Seeing an invisible element: feature inheritance and shine-through. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41/4, No. 2329.
  • Heinrich S.P., Herzog M.H., Koch C., Fahle M. (2000). Ein unsichtbares Element sehen: Merkmalsvererbung und Merkmalsreise. (Seeing an invisible element: feature inheritance and traveling features). Beitraege zur 3. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, 64.
  • Spang K.M., Herzog M.H., Holland-Moritz A., Stein M., Fahle M. (2000). Suppression learning of masking elements is not orientation specific. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41/4.
  • Herzog M.H., Mahmud S.M., Koch C., Fahle M. (2000). Ein unsichtbares Element sehen: der Durchscheineffekt. (Seeing an invisible element: the shine-through effect.)
  • Herzog M.H., Koch C., Fahle M. (1999). How attention modulates the inheritance of invisible features. First Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, Bremen.
  • Herzog, M.H., Parish L.S., Koch C. (1999). How invisible properties of a prime determine the visible ones of a mask. Perception Supplement, 28, 35b.
  • Herzog, M.H., Koch C. (1999). How a Conscious Percept can Inherit a Property of an Invisible Prime. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness(ASSC).
  • Herzog M.H., Broos A.H., Fahle M. (1999). Practicing a vernier discrimination task with non-uniformly distributed stimuli influences decision but not learning processes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 40/4, No. 3077.
  • Ewald K.R., Herzog M.H., Fahle, M. (1999). Vollkommene Plastizitaet beim perzeptuellen Lernen? Beitraege zur 2. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Stein M., Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1999). Perzeptuelles Lernen: Hilft Vorwissen? Beitraege zur 2. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1999). Ein Modell für Perzeptuelles Lernen, das Top-down Einflüsse erklären kann. Beiträge zur 2. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Herzog M.H., Broos A., Fahle M. (1998). Practicing a vernier discrimination task with non-uniformly distributed stimuli. Perception Supplement, 27, 155c.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1998b). A new model of Perceptual Learning Which Incorporates Top-down Influences. European Journal of Neuroscience, 10 (Suppl.10), 176.04.
  • Holland-Moritz A., Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1998). Störelemente und perzeptuelles Lernen (Perceptual Learning with Flanks). Beiträge zur 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Broos A., Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1998). Perzeptuelles Lernen mit nicht gleichverteilter Reizquelle (Perceptual Learning with a non uni-formly distributed stimulus source). Beitraege zur 1. Tuebinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1998a). Modelle und Probleme des perzeptuellen Lernens (Models and Problems of Perceptual Learning). Beiträge zur 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1997b). Neural Networks cannot explain perceptual learning. Proceedings of the 25th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference 1997 No. 1041; (Eds) Elsner N., Breer H., Thieme Stuttgart.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1997a). Effects of biased feedback on learning and deciding in a vernier discrimination task. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science No. 38/4/4460.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1996c). Networks and learning. 2nd Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association (ENA), 119.04 (replacing T. Poggios’ talk).
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1996b). Biased Decision Criteria in Vernier Discrimination. Perception Supplement, 25, 139b.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1996a). Perceptual Learning is Not Caused By Fine Tuning of Receptive Fields Alone. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science No. 37/3/3181.
  • Herzog M.H. Fahle M. (1995b). A recurrent model for learning a hyperacuity task. Perception Supplement, 24, 84a.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1995a). The role of feedback in learning a hyperacuity task. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science No. 36/4/1775.
  • Herzog M.H., Fahle M. (1994). Learning without attention? Proceedings of the 22nd Goettingen Neurobiology Conference 1994, Volume II, No. 817; (Eds) Elsner N., Breer H., Thieme Stuttgart.