Riccardo Rattazzi was born in Novara (Italy) in 1964. He studied physics at the University of Pisa, where he received the Laurea cum laude in 1987, and at the Scuola Normale Superiore where he received the Diploma in Scienze and carried out graduate research in theoretical physics.
After having been a post-doctoral research associate at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, at Rutgers University and at CERN, in 1998 Riccardo obtained a permanent research position at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Pisa.
From 2001 to 2006 he was a staff member at the Theory Division of CERN.
In 2006 he was appointed professor of physics at EPFL.
Selected Publications
- The a-theorem and the Asymptotics of 4D Quantum Field Theory, M. A. Luty, J. Polchinski and R. Rattazzi, JHEP 01 (2013) 152
- Galileon as a local modification of gravity, A. Nicolis, R. Rattazzi and E. Trincherini, Phys. Rev. D 79, 64036 (2009)
- Bounding scalar operator dimensions in 4D CFT, R. Rattazzi, V. Rychkov, E. Tonni and A. Vichi, J. High Energy Phys. , 31 (2008)
- The strongly-interacting light Higgs, G. Giudice, C. Grojean, A. Pomarol and R. Rattazzi, J. High Energy Phys. , (2007)
- Strong interactions and stability in the DGP model, M. Luty, M. Porrati and R. Rattazzi, J. High Energy Phys. , (2003)
- Comments on the holographic picture of the Randall-Sundrum model, R. Rattazzi and A. Zaffaroni, J. High Energy Phys. 2001, JHEP04(2001)021 (2001)
- Theories with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, G. Giudice and R. Rattazzi, Phys. Reports-Rev. Section Physics Lett. 322, 419–499 (1999)
- Quantum gravity and extra dimensions at high-energy colliders, G. Giudice, R. Rattazzi and J. Wells, Nuclear Phys. B 544, 3–38 (1999)
- Gaugino mass without singlets, G. Giudice, R. Rattazzi, M. Luty and H. Murayama, J. High Energy Phys. , (1998)