Nanoscale and Quantum Sensing

Quantum sensing is poised to revolutionize the future of sensing platforms. We want to contribute to this revolution by developing a very compact and highly sensitive magnetometer operating at room temperature, based on Nitrogen-Vacancy center spins in diamond. The high sensitivity offers the potential to do nanoscale protein sensing and the compact size makes the sensor applicable for small mobile platforms [1]. To achieve these goals, we will work in collaboration with the company LakeDiamond to establish in-situ nitrogen doping of CVD diamond during the growth, so that the resulting NV centers have long coherence times [2]. Moreover, we will explore growth along different crystal orientations in order to obtain self-aligned NV centers along a particular axis.

Image credits: Basel Quantum Sensing Group,

Characterizations capabilities at LQNO:

  • CW-ODMR: Fluorescence is detected while applying an amplitude modulated microwave field to acquire continuous-wave ODMR spectra.
  • Longitudinal spin relaxation (): It is the decay lifetime for NVs population initialized to a ground-state magnetic sublevel)
  • (spin coherence time) using Hahn echo sequence
  •  (inhomogeneous spin dephasing time) using Ramsey sequence
  • Cryogenic temperature measurement.
  • Confocal mapping over 200x200x200um3 volume using either spectrometer or photodetector

[1] Lovchinsky, Igor, et al., Science 351.6275, 836-841 (2016).
[2] Kennedy, T. A., et al., Applied Physics Letters 83.20, 4190-4192 (2003).