Time-resolved Bell Correlation Spectroscopy of Molecular Vibrations
Our group has performed the first measurement of Bell correlations between light and a collective molecular vibration in a diamond crystal. Our results are now accessible on the arXiv.
Observation of a single quantum of vibrational energy at ambient conditions
Our group has for the first time successfully observed a single quantum of vibrational energy at ambient conditions, involving the oscillation of more than 100 billion atoms in a diamond crystal. Our work is now published in Physical Review X, and highlighted on EPFL and MIT websites. Check it out! Original article in Physical Review X (…)
Detecting the birth and death of a single phonon
Our latest results on single phonon Fock state generation are now published on the arXiv and were submitted for peer-review! This is the first direction demonstration that a single quantum of vibrational energy can be excited and prepared using a projective measurement on the quantum-correlated Stokes photon. This work was performed in collaboration with Dr. Vivishek Sudhir (…)
Great success for the first symposium on Diamond Photonics at EPFL
The organisers, Niels Quack and Christophe Galland, thank all participants who made the Latsis symposium on Diamond Photonics such a thrilling event on May 19-22, 2019!
Internal vibrations mediate quantum correlations
Our group has developed a new technique to probe elementary quantum excitations of atomic vibrations inside a crystal under ambient conditions. The technique uses ultra-short laser pulses and detectors sensitive to single photons. This work was performed in collaboration with the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems at EPFL and Nicolas Sangouard at the Quantum Optics Theory Group in (…)