
The research activities of the LRS at EPFL are separated in two main areas of focus. An important experimental program is currently being developed and undertaken on the CROCUS zero power research reactor and the LOTUS facility. In parallel, LRS is devoting a large amount resources to the area of multi-physics modelling, involving the development and validation of new methods and models.

Experimental Research:

New experimental programs have been started in the CROCUS reactor and LOTUS cavity in collaboration with existing and new partners, which include the Paul Scherrer Institut, CEA Cadarache and Chalmers University. In parallel, new instrumentations and measurement techniques are under development. The link provided below redirects towards the latest publication summarizing these new activities:

Modeling Research:

The modeling research activities at EPFL are composed of two main orientations: one targeting the steady state and transient analysis of CROCUS and the another aimed at developing a multi-physics tool for analysis of thermal and fast reactor systems.