
We have the following instruments in the lab:

Inert atmosphere glove boxes (IT)

Solid-state solvent purification system (IT, 10 solvents)

Infra-Red Spectrometer
(Vairan Scimitar 800 MIR Spec, with Golden Gate Diamond ATR)
(ReactIR, Mettler-Toledo 4000, Diamond and Silicon probes)

UV-VIs Spectrometer
(Varian Gary 50 UV-VIs Spectrophotometer)
(Dip probe)

Gas Chromatograph
(PerkinElmer Clarus 400 with FID and TCD detectors)

Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
(Agilent GC-MS 5975C, MS and FID detectors)

(Agilent 1260, DAD and LSD detectors)

Electrochemical Equipments
(IviumStat Bipotentiostat; Gamry 3000 Potentiostat; PAR potentiostat; Gamry Electrochemical Quarz Microbalance; Auto-Lab Rotating-Disk; Pine Rotating Ring Disk)