
Open Access Data

The Laboratory of Sensory Processing acquires behavioral, electrophysiological and optical imaging data, complemented with computational models, relating to the structure and function of neuronal circuits in the mouse brain – focusing on whisker sensory perception, licking motor control, context-dependent sensorimotor processing and reward-based learning. The data and analysis code used for journal publications are published Open Access with doi assignment via the CERN database Zenodo :

Open Access Data Publications

Huang J, Crochet S, Sandi C, Petersen CCH (2024) Data set for “Dopamine dynamics in nucleus accumbens across reward-based learning of goal-directed whisker-to-lick sensorimotor transformations in mice” [Data set]. Zenodo. Data PublicationJournal Publication

Oryshchuk A, Sourmpis C, Weverbergh J, Asri R, Esmaeili V, Modirshanechi A, Gerstner W, Petersen CCH, Crochet S (2023) Data set for “Distributed and specific encoding of sensory, motor and decision information in the mouse neocortex during goal-directed behavior” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Sourmpis C, Petersen CCH, Gerstner W, Bellec G (2023) Code, data, and pre-trained models for “Trial matching: capturing variability with data-constrained spiking neural networks” [Model]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationConference Paper

Kiritani T, Pala A, Gasselin C, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2023) Data set for “Membrane potential dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in mouse barrel cortex during active whisker sensing” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Matteucci G, Guyoton M, Mayrhofer JM, Auffret M, Foustoukos G, Petersen CCH, El-Boustani S (2022) Data set for “Cortical sensory processing across motivational states during goal-directed behavior” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Esmaeili V, Oryshchuk A, Asri R, Tamura K, Foustoukos G, Liu Y, Guiet R, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2022) Data set for “Learning-related congruent and incongruent changes of excitation and inhibition in distinct cortical areas.” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Liu Y, Foustoukos G, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2022) Data set for “Axonal and dendritic morphology of excitatory neurons in layer 2/3 mouse barrel cortex imaged through whole-brain two-photon tomography and registered to a digital brain atlas.” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Sippy T, Chaimowitz C, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2021) Data set for “Cell type-specific membrane potential changes in dorsolateral striatum accompanying reward-based sensorimotor learning” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Esmaeili V, Tamura K, Muscinelli SP, Modirshanechi A, Boscaglia M, Lee AB, Oryshchuk A, Foustoukos G, Liu Y, Crochet S, Gerstner W, Petersen CCH (2021) Data set for “Rapid suppression and sustained activation of distinct cortical regions for a delayed sensory-triggered motor response” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Gasselin C, Hohl B, Vernet A, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2021) Data set for “Cell-type-specific nicotinic input disinhibits mouse barrel cortex during active sensing” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Vavladeli A, Daigle T, Zeng H, Crochet S, Petersen CCH (2020) Data set for “Projection-specific activity of layer 2/3 neurons imaged in mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex during a whisker detection task” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

El-Boustani S, Sermet BS, Foustoukos G, Oram TB, Yizhar O, Petersen CCH (2020) Data set for “Anatomically and functionally distinct thalamocortical inputs to primary and secondary mouse whisker somatosensory cortices” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Sermet BS, Truschow P, Feyerabend M, Mayrhofer JM, Oram TB, Yizhar O, Staiger JF, Petersen CCH (2019) Data set for “Pathway-, layer- and cell-type-specific thalamic input to mouse barrel cortex” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Mayrhofer J, El-Boustani S, Foustoukos G, Auffret M, Tamura K, Petersen CCH (2019) Data set for “Distinct contributions of whisker sensory cortex and tongue-jaw motor cortex in a goal-directed sensorimotor transformation” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Pala A, Petersen CCH (2018) Data set for “State-dependent cell-type-specific membrane potential dynamics and unitary synaptic inputs in awake mice.” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Yamashita T, Vavladeli A, Pala A, Galan K, Crochet S, Petersen SSA, Petersen CCH (2018) Data set for “Diverse long-range axonal projections of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse barrel cortex.” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Le Merre P, Esmaeili V, Charrière E, Galan K, Salin P, Petersen CCH, Crochet S (2017) Data set for “Reward-based learning drives rapid sensory signals in medial prefrontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus necessary for goal-directed behavior” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication

Auffret M, Ravano VL, Rossi GMC, Hankov N, Petersen MFA, Petersen CCH (2017) Data set for “Optogenetic stimulation of cortex to map evoked whisker movements in awake head-restrained mice.” [Data set]. Zenodo. – Data PublicationJournal Publication