Integrated and Programmable Multi-Sensing Electrochemical Platform
Ivan Ny Hanitra, PhD student, EPFL-IC-LSI
Sandro Carrara, Dr MER, EPFL-IC-LSI
Giovanni De Micheli, Professor, EPFL-IC-LSI
Advancements in bioengineering of electronic interfaces and biosensors contribute to major breakthroughs
in the medical area. Electrochemical sensors are widely developed to detect/monitor the concentration
of endogenous compounds since the sensors are in direct contact with the biological medium. In the last
years, miniaturized and implantable electrochemical sensors have been proposed, but they are able to
detect a limited amount of target compounds and/or only one type of analyte. However, an exhaustive
diagnosis and health status evaluation of subjects often requires the monitoring of manifold compounds,
either endogenous metabolites or electrolytes. For instance, in sports application, potassium, calcium
or sodium ions are relevant to evaluate dehydration and muscle fatigue, while lactate monitoring allows
to assess when the human metabolism starts lacking energy under physical effort. Besides, wearable
sensors find many applications in daily life monitoring of health or physical status. Nevertheless, they
compel to have miniaturized, portable and low-power biosensors.
This work aims the realization of an integrated and general-purpose multi-sensing electrochemical platform, for wearable or point-of-care applications. Hybrid and low-power circuit architectures are developed to monitor different target analytes that are sensed through a biosensor array. Moreover, sensing numerous compounds necessitates efficient data processing tools to predict reliably the concentration of each individual compound.
4-channel amperometric/potentiometric sensing system on a flexible substrate
Main publications available here.