Developing End-to-End Services with Java technologies

Project Details

Developing End-to-End Services with Java technologies

Laboratory : LSIR Semester / Master Completed


Web applications are everywhere on the Internet. One web application can be used by millions of people world-wide. Web applications involve the development of end-to-end services, ranging from front-end optimization, back-end design, and distributed mechanisms. Many of these web applications are used to feature the interfaces of online systems, such as flight planning, online stores, voting polls, and product recommendation. The goal of the project is to develop an end-to-end application with emerging Java technology stacks. We focus on the compatibility and the durability of the web applications. That is the ability to update and maintain without deploying and installing extra third-party dependencies on client computers.

  • Good programming skills with Java
  • Computer science and/or Communication systems
  • Bachelor or Master student


In case of any questions, please drop us an email or come to our offices:

Contact: Nguyen Thanh Tam