Open Data

The LSMS aims at publishing datasets supporting its research. To support this ambition, LSMS’ collaborators developed management software such as BlackDynamite which helps organizing large parametric studies.

Furthermore, the Dissemination of Computational Solid Mechanics (DCSM) online platform is maintained by LSMS collaborators, with the goal to help researchers upload, prepare, and curate their dataset, before exporting to public and longer-term repositories (e.g. Zenodo, Renku). DCSM service is based on Solidipes, a python library that provides support to researchers along the data management cycle (data retrieval, curation, visualization, sharing, and publication).

LSMS efforts impact beyond EPFL, for instance with the Solidipes curation capabilities used in the JTCAM diamond open access journal, where Dr. Anciaux has the role of Data Editor.