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Earthquakes can be devastating, both in terms of human and material damage. Although their existence has been known since the dawn of time, the physics of earthquakes is still poorly understood. Natural faults and earthquake characteristics are known to follow scaling power-law. The origin of this phenomenon has strong implications on the physical mechanisms driving slip events. However, it is not yet clear. The emergence of complexity can be related to the disorder of the system. Understanding if the observed complexity comes from the inherent complexity of the frictional motion or the system’s complexity is essential to better understand – and one day eventually predict – earthquakes. It has been shown numerically with a simple system without any disorder that resulting slip events follow a power-law distribution for the small events – like natural slip events – and a log-normal distribution for the larger ones. This project aims to study how adding disorder in this simple system will influence the transition between the power-law and the log-normal distribution of slip events. To do so, the student will use a finite element software developed in the lab (Akantu).

Ferry Roxane Mathilde Suzanne, Jean-François Molinari

This project seeks to combine the traditional finite element method with new machine-learning tools. The tentative goals are, first, to analyze new methods recently proposed in the literature  (e.g., the “Deep Ritz Method”) and, second, to adapt them to solve large-deformation problems in simple geometries.
Joaquin Garcia Suarez, Jean-François Molinari
Reference: Yu, Bing. “The deep Ritz method: a deep learning-based numerical algorithm for solving variational problems.” Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 6.1 (2018): 1-12.
Wave propagation is a well-understood phenomenon, but gripping complexity can arise from it when it takes place within a layered medium, due to the continuous reflection, transmission and superposition of what originally may have been a coherent wavefront. On this topic, we propose two types of projects: (1) mostly theoretical ones (intended for students with a taste for applied mathematics) aimed at exploring how abstract algebra can help to unravel this complexity, (2) mostly numerical ones (for students interested in coding and simulations) aimed at implementing and testing new methods to simulate wave propagation in structured materials.
Joaquin Garcia Suarez
References: email or come talk to Dr. Garcia-Suarez ([email protected], GC A2 515)
The disruptive work of Karniadakis and colleagues has created a new way to find approximate solution of ODEs and PDEs with relevance to physics and engineering. In this project, we would seek to survey the most efficient ways to train PINNs, and apply these findings to solve problems featuring stick-slip: . If the student is interested, a mathematical twist is also possible by focusing on analyzing the convergence and error estimates of PINNs.  
Joaquin Garcia Suarez, Jean-François Molinari
Reference: Rucker, Cody, and Brittany A. Erickson. “Physics-informed deep learning of rate-and-state fault friction.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 430 (2024): 117211.
We are developing a new numerical method to solve non-linear problems in continuum mechanics and structural engineering. The new method has a strong geometrical component and comes with remarkable advantages: easy parallelization and adaptability. This project is ideal for students who want to put their coding (either Python or C++) and computational mechanics abilities (FEM) to work.
Joaquin Garcia Suarez
Reference: Garcia-Suarez, J. “Phase-space iterative solvers.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.14031 (2023).

The interaction of soft solids with rigid surfaces during collision presents an interesting problem in mechanics with fundamental significance for biological soft tissues and soft robotics. Similarly to traditional fluid droplet impacts, soft solids exhibit unique behaviors when colliding with rigid surfaces, such as the formation of an annular contact region and the trapping of air between the surfaces.

This project will investigate the dynamics of soft solids impacting rigid surfaces, focusing specifically on the influence of surface topography. The final goal is to deepen the understanding of these interactions under controlled, quasi-static conditions.

The project will involve formulating and implementing a 2D finite difference numerical scheme in Python to simulate the problem, allowing for precise control over geometry and material properties. The student will use basic knowledge of linear elasticity, fluid mechanics and numerical methods.

Jacopo Bilotto, Joaquin Garcia-Suarez, Jean-François Molinari

Granular materials play a critical role in civil, chemical, and mechanical engineering, influencing sectors such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, soil mechanics, and mixing technologies. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a powerful tool for simulating the behavior of particle systems by applying Newton’s laws of motion and friction. However, one significant limitation of DEM is its ability to accurately model materials that undergo large deformations.
To address this challenge, a recent reduced-order model, developed by Professor Mollon, offers an innovative approach to extend traditional DEM codes into the deformable regime. This project aims to evaluate the feasibility and stability of this novel method.
The student will implement the model using Python, leveraging the Taichi and NumPy libraries to efficiently code the method and test various interaction laws. Depending on the student’s interests, the project can be tailored to focus on either high-performance GPU computing or the mechanics of specific test cases.

Jacopo Bilotto, Jean-François Molinari