Invited Talks


Modeling of multimodal urban traffic networks

Laboratoire Ingénierie Circulation Transports, INRETS – ENTPE, Lyon,  


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya(UPC)

Barcelona, Macroscopic modeling of traffic in congested cities (Short Course) – see pdf

Macroscopic Modeling of Traffic in Congested Cities: Empirical Evidence, Analytical Derivations and Control Applications

ETH Zurich, International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems, (video of the talk)

Macroscopic modeling and control of traffic in congested cities (Job Talk)

EPFL, abstract


How the Macroscopic Modeling of Traffic Can Contribute to Improving Mobility

ETH Zurich, Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation,

Increasing the accessibility delivered by urban traffic with perimeter control: Theory and applications

University of Minnesota St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Seminar Series


Increase mobility in Cities by Controlling Overcrowding, Department of Civil Engineering (Job talk)

University of Minnesota

Allocating city space to multiple transport modes

11th World Conference in Transport Research, Berkeley, CA


Urban Traffic Control Systems

2006, Berkeley ITS Advisory Council, Berkeley