Topological Waves


Topology, the branch of mathematics that studies continuous transformations, can have very concrete and powerful consequences on physical systems. Topology allows to define global invariants, that do not change upon continuous deformations, such as geometrical changes, the presence of impurities, or distributed imperfections coming from fabrication tolerances. When applied to wave phenomena, topology can guarantee that a given property of the wave, for example its propagation along a given path or its scattering signature, is protected against different kinds of perturbations, imperfections or reconfigurability.

At the laboratory of Wave Engineering, we research the applications of topology to the design of simpler, smaller, more robust, or more flexible microwave, acoustic and fluid devices .

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Involved LWE researchers

Junda Wang, Haoye Qin (Ph.D. students)

Zhe Zhang, Benjamin Apffel (Postdoc)


Pierre Delplace, ENS de Lyon