Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering

The group of Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering includes the Chair of Numerical Algorithms and High Performance Computing (ANCHP – Prof. Daniel Kressner), the Chair of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification (CSQI – Prof. Fabio Nobile), the Chair of Dynamics of Learning Algorithms (DOLA – Prof. Lénaïc Chizat), the Chair of High Performance Numerical Algorithms and Simulations (HPNALGS – Prof. Laura Grigori), the Chair of Mathematics for Materials modelling (MATMAT – Prof. Michael Herbst), the Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science (MCSS – Prof. Jan Hesthaven), the Chair of Numerical Modelling and Simulation (MNS – Prof. Annalisa Buffa), the Chair of Continuous Optimization (OPTIM – Prof. Nicolas Boumal), the group of Prof. Marco Picasso (GR-PI), the group of Prof. Simone Deparis (SCI-SB-SD) and the honorary Professors Alfio Quarteroni (founder and director of the former Mathematics Institute of Computational Science and Engineering, now MATHICSE Group) and Jacques Rappaz.
We also warmly remember our former member and director of the Mathicse institute Prof. Assyr Abdulle who held the chair of Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis.
Promote at the highest scientific level the research and education on mathematical modeling, numerical modeling, algorithmic development and simulation, as well as their application in nature, environment, life, society, science and engineering. Establish and lead research programs in Computational Science and Engineering within the Institute of Mathematics and interact with existing projects in the CSE area across the EPFL Campus.
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Nicolas Boumal awarded ERC starting grant
Prof. Nicolas Boumal, head of the Chair of Countinuous Optimization (OPTIM), received the grant for his project GEOSYM, with title “Harnessing Geometry and Symmetry in Optimization for Data Science”.

Annalisa Buffa named 2023 Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer
The Association for Women in Mathematics and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics have selected EPFL mathematician Annalisa Buffa to deliver the 2023 Sonia Kovalevsky lecture.

Daniel Kressner nominated SIAM Fellow, class 2022
Prof. Daniel Kressner, EPFL, is being recognized for contributions in numerical linear and multilinear algebra and scientific computing.

Alice Cortinovis wins the SWICCOMAS prize 2023
Dr. Alice Cortinovis (ANCHP) was awarded the SWICCOMAS prize 2023 for her thesis on Fast deterministic and randomized algorithms for low-rank approximation, matrix functions, and trace estimation.
Fabian Mönkeberg receives the 2020 MDTA award
Fabian Mönkeberg receives the Mathematics Doctoral thesis Award (MDTA) for his thesis “High-order essentially nonoscillatory methods based on radial basis functions” as the best PhD thesis in mathematics in A.Y. 2019-20.
Christopher Criscitiello awarded prize at ICCOPT 2022
Christopher Criscitiello has been awarded the Best Paper for Young Researchers Prize at the International Conference on Continuous Optimization, ICCOPT 2022