Technical reports 2017

MATHICSE Technical Report : Low-rank updates and a divideand- conquer method for linear matrix equations

D. Kressner; S. Massei; L. Robol 


MATHICSE Technical Report : FE-HMM for elastic waves in heterogeneous media

A. Abdulle; M. J. Grote; O. Jecker 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A posteriori error estimation for the stochastic collocation finite element method

D. S. Guignard; F. Nobile 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Multilevel ensemble Kalman filtering for spatio-temporal processes

A. Chernov; H. A. Hoel; K. J. Law; F. Nobile; R. Tempone 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Multilevel weighted least squares polynomial approximation

A. L. Haji Ali; F. Nobile; R. Tempone; S. Wolfers 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Symplectic dynamical low rank approximation of wave equations with random parameters

E. Musharbash; F. Nobile; E. Vidlicková 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A numerical investigation of multi space reduced basis preconditioners for parametrized elliptic advection-diffusion

N. Dal Santo; S. Deparis; A. Manzoni 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Quantifying uncertain system outputs via the multilevel Monte Carlo method – Part I: Central moment estimation

M. Pisaroni; S. Krumscheid; F. Nobile 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Continuation Multi-Level Monte-Carlo method for Uncertainty Quantification in Turbulent Compressible Aerodynamics Problems modeled by RANS

M. Pisaroni; F. Nobile; P. Leyland 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Multilevel Monte Carlo approximation of functions

S. Krumscheid; F. Nobile 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A priori error for unilateral contact problems with Lagrange multipliers and IsoGeometric Analyis

P. Antolin Sanchez; A. Buffa; M. J. Fabre 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Adaptative isogeometric methods with hierarchical splines: optimality and convergence rates

A. Buffa; C. Giannelli 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Incremental computation of block triangular matrix exponentials with application to option pricing

D. Kressner; R. Luce; F. Statti 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A posteriori error estimators for hierarchical B-spline discretizations

A. Buffa; E. M. Garau 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Solving rank structured Sylvester and Lyapunov equations

S. Massei; D. Palitta; L. Robol 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Numerical approximation of parametrized problems in cardiac electrophysiology by a local reduced basis method

S. Pagani; A. Manzoni; A. Quarteroni 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Optimal explicit stabilized integrator of weak order one for stiff and ergodic stochastic differential equations

A. Abdulle; I. Almuslimani; G. Vilmart 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Hierarchical B-spline Complexes of Discrete Differential Forms

J. A. Evans; M. A. Scott; K. Shepherd; D. Thomas; R. Vazquez Hernandez 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Effective models for long time wave propagation in locally periodic media

A. Abdulle; T. N. Pouchon 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Biomembrane modeling with Isogeometric Analysis

A. Bartezzaghi; L. Dede’; A. Quarteroni 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A complex blood flow patterns in an idealized left ventricle: a numerical study

A. Tagliabue; L. Dede’; A. Quarteroni 


MATHICSE Technical Report : The index of singular zeros of harmonic mappings of anti-analytic degree one

R. Luce 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A Hele-Shaw-Cahn-Hilliard model for incompressible two-phase flows with different densities

L. Dede’; H. Garcke; K. F. Lam 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Dual dynamically orthogonal approximation of incompressible Navier Stokes equations with random boundary conditions

E. Musharbash; F. Nobile 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Optimal explicit stabilized integrator of weak order one for stiff and ergodic stochastic differential equations

A. Abdulle; I. Almuslimani; G. Vilmart 


Report 25.2017 Numerical approximation of parametrized problems in cardiac electrophysiology by a local reduced basis method
Stefano Pagani, Andrea Manzoni, Alfio Quarteroni  
Report 21.2017-New An algebraic least squares reduced basis method for the solution of parametrized Stokes equations
Niccolo Dal Santo, Simone Deparis, Andrea Manzoni, Alfio Quarteroni  old version  
Report 14.2017 A numerical investigation of multi space reduced basis preconditioners for parametrized elliptic advection-diffusion equations
  Niccolò Dal Santo, Simone Deparis, Andrea Manzoni
Report 13.2017 An isogeometric boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering with compatible B-spline discretization
R.N. Simpson, Z. Liu, R. Vázquez, J.A. Evans  
Report 11.2017 Bounds for the decay of the entries in inverses and Cauchy-Stieltjes functions of sparse, normal matrices
Andreas Frommer, Claudia Schimmel, Marcel Schweitzer  
Report 05.2017 Incremental computation of block triangular matrix exponentials with applications to option pricing
Daniel Kressner, Robert Luce, Francesco Statti  
Report 02.2017 The index of singular zeros of harmonic mappings of anti-analytic degree one
Robert Luce, Olivier Sète