Technical reports 2019

MATHICSE Technical Report : Function integration, reconstruction and approximation using rank-1 lattices

F. Kuo; G. Migliorati; F. Nobile; D. Nuyens 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Overlapping Multi-Patch Isogeometric Method with Minimal Stabilization

P. Antolin Sanchez; A. Buffa; R. Puppi; X. Wei 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Adaptive isogeometric analysis on two-dimensional trimmed domains based on a hierarchical approach

L. Coradello; P. Antolin Sanchez; R. Vazquez Hernandez; A. Buffa 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Low-rank approximation in the Frobenius norm by column and row subset selection

A. Cortinovis; D. Kressner 


MATHICSE Technical Report: A hierarchical approach to the a posteriori error estimation of isogeometric Kirchhoff plates and Kirchhoff-Love shells

P. Antolin Sanchez; A. Buffa; L. Coradello 


MATHICSE Technical Report: A posteriori error estimation for the stochastic collocation finite element approximation of the heat equation with random coefficients

F. Nobile; E. Vidlicková 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Constraint-Aware Neural Networks for Riemann Problems

J. Magiera; D. Ray; J. S. Hesthaven; C. Rohde 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Time domain room acoustic simulations using a spectral element method

F. Pind; A. P. Engsig-Karup; C-H. Jeong; J. S. Hesthaven; M. S. Meiling et al. 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Simulation-Based Anomaly Detection and Damage Localization: an Application to Structural Health Monitoring

C. Bigoni; J. S. Hesthaven 


MATHICSE Technical Report: A non-intrusive multifidelity method for the reduced order modeling of nonlinear problems

M. Kast; M. Guo; J. S. Hesthaven 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Volumetric Untrimming: Precise decomposition of trimmed trivariates into tensor products

F. Massarwi; P. Antolin Sanchez; G. Elber 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Low-rank updates and divide-andconquer methods for quadratic matrix equations

D. Kressner; P. Kürschner; S. Massei 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Isogeometric Analysis on V-reps: first results

P. Antolin Sanchez; A. Buffa; M. Martinelli 


MATHICSE Technical Report : On maximum volume submatrices and cross approximation for symmetric semidefinite and diagonally dominant matrices

A. Cortinovis; D. Kressner; S. Massei 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Controlling oscillations in high-order Discontinuous Galerkin schemes using artificial\ viscosity tuned by neural networks

N. Discacciati; J. S. Hesthaven; D. Ray 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Fast and accurate elastic analysis of laminated composite plates via isogeometric collocation and an equilibrium-based stress recovery approach

A. Patton; J-E. Dufour; P. Antolin Sanchez; A. Reali 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Ensemble Kalman filter for multiscale inverse problems

A. Abdulle; G. Garegnani; A. Zanoni 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Efficient state/Parameter estimation in nonlinear unsteady PDEs by reduced basis ensemble Kalman filter

S. Pagani; A. Manzoni; A. Quarteroni 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Interpolatory rational model order reduction of parametric problems lacking uniform inf-sup stability

D. Pradovera 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Effective models and numerical homogenization for wave propagation in heterogeneous media on arbitrary timescales

T. N. Pouchon; A. Abdulle 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Block Krylov subspace methods for functions of matrices II: Modified block FOM

A. Frommer; K. Lund; D. B. Szyld 


MATHICSE Technical Report : A low-rank technique for computing the quasi-stationary distribution of subcritical Galton-Watson processes

S. Haupthenne; S. Massei 


MATHICSE Technical Report : Exponential decay of the resonance error in numerical homogenization via parabolic and elliptic cell problems

A. Abdulle; D. Arjmand; E. Paganoni 


MATHICSE Technical Report: Accelerated convergence to equilibrium and reduced asymptotic variance for Langevin dynamics using Stratonovich perturbations

A. Abdulle; G. A. Pavliotis; G. Vilmart 
