Selected publications:
- E. Abbe, S. Li, A. Sly, Binary perceptron: efficient algorithms can find solutions in a rare well-connected cluster, STOC’21
- E. Abbe, S. Li, A. Sly, Proof of the Contiguity Conjecture and Lognormal Limit for the Symmetric Perceptron, FOCS’21
- E. Abbe, P. Kamath, E. Malach, C. Sandon, N. Srebro, On the power of differentiable learning versus PAC and SQ learning, NeurIPS’21 Spotlight
- E. Abbe, E. Boix-Adsera, M. Brenner, G. Bresler, D. Nagarj, The staircase property: how hierarchical structure can guide deep learning, NeurIPS’21
- E. Abbe, E. Cornacchia, Y. Gu, Y. Polyanskiy, Stochastic block model entropy and broadcasting on trees with survey COLT’21 Best Student Paper Award
- E. Malach, P. Kamath, E. Abbe, N. Srebro, Quantifying the Benefit of Using Differentiable Learning over Tangent Kernels, ICML’21
- A. Asadi, E. Abbe, Maximum Multiscale Entropy and Neural Network Regularization
- E. Abbe, J. Fan, K. Wang, An l_p theory of PCA and spectral clustering
- E. Abbe, S. Li, A. Sly, Learning sparse graphons and the generalized Kesten-Stigum Threshold
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, Polytime universality and limitations of deep learning
- E. Abbe, A. Shpilka, M. Ye, Reed-Muller codes: theory and algorithms, Information Theory Trans.
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, On the universality of deep learning, NeurIPS 20
- E. Abbe, M. Ye, Reed-Muller codes polarize. FOCS 19
- Min Ye, Emmanuel Abbe, Recursive projection-aggregation decoding of Reed-Muller codes. ISIT 19
- Amir R. Asadi, Emmanuel Abbe, Chaining Meets Chain Rule: Multilevel Entropic Regularization and Training of Neural Nets. JMLR
- Emmanuel Abbe, Enric Boix-Adserà, Subadditivity Beyond Trees and the Chi-Squared Mutual Information. ISIT 19
- E. Abbe, E. Boix, P. Ralli, C. Sandon, Graph powering and spectral robustness. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
- E. Abbe, E. Boix, An Information-Percolation Bound for Spin Synchronization on General Graphs. Annals of Applied Probability
- A. Asadi, E. Abbe, S. Verdu Chaining mutual information and tightening generalization bounds . NIPS 18
- E. Abbe, L. Massoulié, A. Montanari, A. Sly, N. Srivastava, Group syncrhonization on grids . Mathematical Statistics and Learning (MSL) 18
- M. Ye, E. Abbe, Communication-computation efficient gradient coding. ICML 18
- A. Sankararaman, E. Abbe, F. Baccelli, Community Detection on Euclidean Random Graphs, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
- E. Abbe, T. Bandory, W. Leeb, J. Pereira, N. Sharon, A. Singer Multireference alignment is easier with an aperiodic translation distribution. Information Theory Trans.
- E. Abbe, J. Fan, K. Wang, Y. Zhong, Entrywise eigenvector analysis of random matrices of low expected rank. Annals of Statistics
- E. Abbe, S. Kulkarni, E. Lee, Generalized nonbacktracking bounds on the influence. JMLR
- E. Abbe, Community detection and stochastic block models: recent development. JMLR
- E. Abbe, S. Kulkarni, E. Lee, Nonbacktracking bounds on the influence in cascade models. NIPS 17
- E. Abbe, J. Pereira, A. Singer, Sample complexity of the Boolean multireference alignment problem, ISIT 16
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, Proof of the achievability conjectures in the general stochastic block model. CPAM
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, Detection in the stochastic block model with multiple clusters: proof of the achievability conjectures, acyclic BP, and the information-computation gap. NIPS 16 oral
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, Recovering communities in the general stochastic block model without knowing the parameters. NIPS 15
- E. Abbe, C. Sandon, Community detection in the general stochastic block model: fundamental limits and efficient recovery algorithms update here. FOCS 15
- E. Abbe, A. Shpilka, A. Wigderson, Reed-Muller codes for random erasures and erros. STOC 15
- Y. Desphande, E. Abbe, A. Montanari, Asymptotic mutual information for the balanced binary SBM. Journal Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
- E. Abbe, Y. Wigderson, High-girth matrices and polarization. ISIT 15
- E. Abbe, A. Bandeira, G. Hall, Exact recovery in the stochastic block model here. Information Theory Trans.
- E. Abbe, N. Alon, A. Bandeira, Linear Boolean classification, coding and “the critical problem”. ISIT 14
- E. Abbe, A. Bandeira, A. Bracher, A. Singer, Decoding graph labels from censored correlations: phase transition and efficient recovery. Transactions on Network Science and Eng.
- E. Abbe, A. Montanari, Conditional random fields, planted constraint satisfaction and entropy concentration. Journal Theory of Computing
- E. Abbe, A. Montanari, On the concentration of the number of solutions of random satisfiability formulas. Random Structures and Algorithms
- N. Goela, E. Abbe, M. Gastpar, Polar codes for broadcast channels Information Theory Trans.
- E. Abbe, A. Khandani, A. W. Lo, Privacy-preserving methods in systemic risk. American Economical Review (AER). New York Times article:
Theses and reports:
- E. M. Chayti, Capacity of Binary perceptrons with binary inputs, MDS, Semester Project, 2020
- E. Boix, Average-case statistical query algorithms, MDS, Summer internship report, 2019. Last version
- E. Bamas, Learning Monomials, MDS, Semester projects report, 2018