Our group is highly involved in teaching at the Physics Section of the EPFL. The courses both practical and theoretical that are insured by the staff of our group are summarized below
- Metrology lectures for physics and materials science students (D. Mari and I. Tkalcec)
- Physics laboratory II for physicists 2nd year bachelor (I. Taklcec, A. Magrez and D. Oberli)
- Physics laboratory III for physicists 3rd year bachelor (I. Taklcec, A. Magrez and D. Oberli)
- Preparation of experiments for physics education (D. Mari and P. Wets)
- Physics of Materials for physics students 3rd year Batchelor (D. Mari)
Interested students can also get involved in TP4 advanced research projects or PDM master projects
- Some specific projects can be found on ISA in the Projects proposed for the Physics School (see presentation)