Publications (2000-2009)
Links for web downloading are provided in the RESEARCH page (see publications)
Peer reviewed journal articles
F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud, D. Mari, A.J. Kulik, N.A. Burnham, W. Benoit, “Martensitic transformation of NiTi studied at the nanometer scale by local mechanical spectroscopy”, Scripta Mater., 42, 31-36 (2000)
G. Gremaud, S. Kustov, “Non-linear anelasticity due to dislocation-solute atom interactions in solid solutions”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 310, 1-2, 85-90 (2000)
Ø. Bremnes, E. Carreño-Morelli, G. Gremaud, “Influence of the interaction between dislocations and mobile point-defects on the damping spectrum of aluminium”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 310, 1-2, 62-67 (2000)
F. Oulevey, N. A. Burnham, G. Gremaud, A. J. Kulik, H. M. Pollock, A. Hammiche, M. Reading, M. Song, D.J. Hourston, “Dynamic Mechanical Analysis at the Submicron Scale”, Polymer, 41 (8), 3087-3092 (2000)
L. Donzel, E. Conforto and R. Schaller, “High-Temperature Mechanical Spectroscopy of Yttria-Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals (Y-TZP) with Different Amounts of Intergranular Phase.”, Acta mater. 48 777-787, (2000).
R. Schaller, “Mechanical Spectroscopy of the High-Temperature Brittle-to-Ductile Transition in Ceramics and Cermets.”, J. Alloys and Compounds 310, 7-15, (2000).
G. Roebben, L. Donzel, M. Steen, R. Schaller and O. Van der Biest, “Fatigue Resistant Silicon Nitride Ceramics due to Anelastic Deformation and Energy Dissipation.”, J. Alloys and Compounds 310, 39-43, (2000).
K. van Ouytsel, R. De Batist and R. Schaller, “Dislocation-Defect Interactions in Nuclear Reactor Pressure-Vessel Steels Investigated by means of Internal Friction.”, J. Alloys and Compounds 310, 445-448, (2000).
E. Carreño-Morelli, S.E. Urreta and R. Schaller, ” Mechanical Spectroscopy of Thermal Stress Relaxation at Metal-Ceramic Interfaces in Aluminium-Based Composites.”, Acta mater. 48, 4725-4733, (2000).
Y. Emel’yanov, S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, S. Nikanorov, G. Pugachev, K. Sapozhnikov, A. Sinani, J. Van Humbeeck, R. Schaller and R. De Batist, “Detection of shock-wave-induced internal stresses in Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy by means of acoustic technique.”, Scripta mater. 43 , 1051-1057, (2000).
D. Mari, S. Bolognini, T. Viatte and W. Benoit, Study of the mechanical properties of TiCN-WC-Co hardmetals by the interpretation of internal friction spectra, Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater., 19, 257-265 (2001).
S. Bolognini, D. Mari, T. Viatte and W. Benoit, Fracture Toughness of Coated WC-TiCN-Co Cermets with Graded Composition, Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 19, 285-292 (2001).
I. Tkalcec and D. Mari, Mechanical spectroscopy in martensitic and cold-worked carbon steels, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 203 (2), 253-256 (2001).
R. Bagramov, D. Mari and W. Benoit, Internal friction in a martensitic high carbon steel, Phil. Mag. A, 81, 2797-2808 (2001).
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, “Activated-like hopping transition in weakly vibrated granular media”, Europhysics Letters, 54 (5), 599-604 (2001)
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, “Vibration-induced jamming transition in granular media”, Physical Review E, 64, 011306-1-6 (2001)
E. Dupas, G. Gremaud, A. Kulik, J.-L. Loubet, “High-Frequency Mechanical Spectroscopy with an Atomic Force Microscope”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 72, 10, 3891-3897 (2001)
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, “The jamming route to the glass-state in weakly perturbed granular media”, Nature, 413, 407-409 (2001)
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, “Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann Type Diffusive Slowdown in Weakly Perturbed Granular Media”, Phys. Rev. Let., 87, 25, 254302-1-4 (2001)
E. Carreño-Morelli, N. Chawla and R. Schaller, “Thermo-mechanical characterization of 2080 Al/SiCP composites by mechanical spectroscopy.”, J. of Materials Science Letters 20, 163-165, (2001).
C.Y. Xie, E. Carreño-Morelli, R. Schaller, Y. Pitton and R.C. Fornerod, “Mechanical loss spectrum of aged Al-Mg-Si alloys.”, Phil. Mag. A 81 , 2149-2160, (2001).
S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, S. Nikanorov, K. Sapozhnikov, A. Sinani, J. Van Humbeeck, R. Schaller and R. De Batist, “Transformation temperatures, elastic and anelastic properties of Cu-Al-Ni crystals subjected to impact loading.”, J. Phys. IV France 11 , Pr8-173-178, (2001).
C. Mayencourt and R. Schaller, “Mechanical-stress relaxation in magnesium-based composites.”, Mat. Sci. Eng. A 325, 286-291, (2002).
J. Fikar, R. Schaller, N. Guilbaud and N. Baluc, “Mechanical Spectroscopy of Icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystals Metal-Based Composites.”, Defect and Diffusion Forum 203-205 , 289-292, (2002).
M. Daraktchiev and R. Schaller, “Mechanical Loss in 3mol%Yttria-DopedTetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals (3Y-TZP)”, Defect and Diffusion Forum 206-207, 163-167, (2002).
O. Couteau and R. Schaller, “Anelastic Properties of Magnesium-Matrix Composites as a Function of Temperature.”, Defect and Diffusion Forum 203-205 , 281-284, (2002).
S. Testu and R. Schaller, “Internal Friction Peak in Silicon Nitride Sintered without Additives.”, Defect and Diffusion Forum 206-207, 167-170, (2002).
R. Schaller and M. Daraktchiev, “Mechanical spectroscopy of creep appearance in fine-grained yttria-stabilized zirconia.”, J. European Ceramic Society 22, 2461-2467, (2002).
S. Testu, R. Schaller, J.L. Besson, T. Rouxel and G. Bernard-Granger, “Mechanical spectroscopy connected to creep and stress relaxation in a high resistant silicon nitride.”, J. European Ceramic Society 22 , 2511-2516, (2002).
E. Carreño-Morelli and R. Schaller, “Mechanical Loss and Dimensional Stability during Thermal Cycling of SiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloys.” phys. stat. sol. (a) 194 , N°1, R1-R3, (2002).
K. Sapozhnikov, S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, J. Van Humbeeck, R. Schaller and R. De Batist, “Transient internal friction during thermal cycling of Cu-Al-Ni single crystals in b’1 martensitic phase.”, Scripta Mater. 47 , 459-465, (2002).
S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, S. Nikanorov, K. Sapozhnikov, A. Sinani, J. Van Humbeeck, R. Schaller and R. De Batist, “The effect of shock-wave loading on transformation temperatures, elastic and anelastic properties of b1’ Cu-Al-Ni martensitic single crystals.”, Phil. Mag. A, 82 , 2419-2440, (2002).
G. D’Anna, P. Mayor, G. Gremaud, A. Barrat, V. Loreto, “Extreme events-driven glassy behaviour in granular media”, Europhysics Letters, 61 (1), 60-66 (2003)
G. D’Anna, P. Mayor, « Observing brownian motion in vibrationfluidized granular matter », Nature, 424 (2003) 909.
R. Szoszkiewicz, B. D. Huey, O.V. Kolosov, G.A.D. Briggs, G. Gremaud, A.J. Kulik, “Tribology and Ultrasonic Hysteresis at Local Scales”, Applied Surface Science, 210, 54-60 (2003)
S. Bolognini, G. Feusier, D. Mari, T. Viatte and W. Benoit, TiMoCN based cermets: high temperature deformation, Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 21, 19-29 (2003).
D. Mari, S. Bolognini, G. Feusier, T. Cutard, C. Verdon, T. Viatte and W. Benoit, TiMoCN based cermets part I. Morphology and phase composition, Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 21, 37-46 (2003).
D. Mari, S. Bolognini, G. Feusier, T. Cutard, T. Viatte and W. Benoit, TiMoCN based cermets part II. Microstructure and room temperature mechanical properties, Int. J. Refract. Metals Hard Mater. 21, 47-54 (2003).
M. Daraktchiev and R. Schaller, “High temperature mechanical loss behavior of 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (3Y-TZP)”, phys. stat. sol.(a) 195, 293-304, (2003).
O. Couteau and R. Schaller, “Etude par spectroscopie mécanique de l’interface dans des composites à matrice magnésium.”, J. Phys. IV France 106 , 63-68, (2003).
R. Schaller, “Metal matrix composites, a smart choice for high damping materials.”, J. Alloys and Compounds 355 , 131-135, (2003).
O. Couteau and R. Schaller, “Interface stress relaxation in magnesium matrix composites studied by mechanical spectroscopy.” Materials Science and Technology 19 , 955-958, (2003).
K. van Ouytsel, R. De Batist and R. Schaller, “An internal friction working model to advance the understanding of effects of radiation and thermal ageing on reactor pressure-vessel steels.”, Int. Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 80 , 275-284, (2003).
G. Gremaud, “Overview on dislocation-point defect interaction: the brownian picture of dislocation motion”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 370, 191-198 (2004).
P. Mayor, G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, “Jamming in weakly perturbed granular media”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 370, 307-310 (2004)
P. Mayor, G. D’Anna, A. Barrat, V. Loreto, « Observing Brownian motion and measuring temperatures in vibration-fluidized granular matter », New Journal of Physics 7 (2005) 28, in « Focus on Brownian Motion and Diffusion in the 21st Century », in the frame of the Celebratory Focus Issues edited for the Year of Physics 2005.
K. Buss and D. Mari, High temperature deformation mechanisms in cemented carbides and cermets studied by mechanical spectroscopy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 370, 163-167 (2004).
I. Tkalcec and D. Mari, Internal friction in martensitic, ferritic and bainitic carbon steel; cold work effects, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 370, 213-217 (2004).
E. Conforto, D. Mari and T. Cutard, The role of molybdenum in the hard-phase grains of (Ti,Mo)(C,N)-Co cermets, Phil. Mag A., 84, 1717-1733 (2004).
I. Tkalcec, C. Azcoıtia, S. Crevoiserat and D.Mari, Tempering effects on a martensitic high carbon steel Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 387-389, 352-356 (2004).
I. S. Golovin , S. B. Golovina , A. Strahl , H. Neuhäuser , T. S. Pavlova , S. A. Golovin and R. Schaller, “ Anelasticity of Fe3Al intermetallic compounds.“, Scripta Mater. 50, 1187-1192, (2004).
M. Daraktchiev, R. Schaller, C. Dominguez, J. Chevalier and G. Fantozzi, “High temperature mechanical spectroscopy and creep of calcium hexaluminate.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 199-203, (2004).
I. Gutiérrez-Urrutia , M. L. Nó , E. Carreño-Morelli , B. Guisolan , R. Schaller and J. San Juan, “High performance very low frequency forced pendulum.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 435-439, (2004).
J. Yang and R. Schaller, “Mechanical spectroscopy of Mg reinforced with Al2O3 short fibres and C nanotubes.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 512-515, (2004).
J. Fikar, R. Schaller and N. Baluc, “Mechanical spectroscopy of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline coatings.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 524-530, (2004).
O. Couteau and R. Schaller, “Study of thermal stress relaxation in metal matrix composites using mechanical spectroscopy.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 550-554, (2004).
R. Schaller, S. Barrault and Ph. Zysset, “Mechanical spectroscopy of bovine compact bone.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 370 , 569-574, (2004).
E. Carreño-Morelli, J. Yang, E. Couteau, K. Hernadi, J. W. Seo, C. Bonjour, L. Forró, and R. Schaller, “Carbon nanotube/magnesium composites”, phys. stat. sol.(a) 201 , R53-R55, (2004).
J. Fikar, R. Schaller and N. Baluc, “Mechanical spectroscopy of decagonal Al-Cu-Fe- Cr quasicrystalline coatings.”, Phil. Mag. 83 (2004) 3571-3584.
R. Schaller, M. Daraktchiev and S. Testu “Creep behavior of ceramics studied by mechanical loss measurements.“, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 387-389 , 687-691, (2004).
O. Couteau and R. Schaller, “Effect of the fiber orientation on the transient damping in Metal Matrix Composites Using Mechanical Spectroscopy.”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 387-389 , 862-866, (2004).
M. Daraktchiev, B. Van de Moortèle, R. Schaller, E. Couteau and L. Forró, “Effects of Carbon Nanotubes on Grain Boundary Sliding in Zirconia Polycrystals.”, Adv. Mater. 17, 88-91, (2005).
R. Szoszkiewicz, B. Bushan, B. D. Huey, A.J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, « Correlations between Adhesion Hysteresis and Friction at Molecular Scales », J. Chem. Phys., 122, 144708 (2005)
R. Szoszkiewicz, A.J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, ” Quantitative measure of nanoscale adhesion hysteresis by ultrasonic force microscopy “, J. Chem. Phys., 122, 134706 (2005)
R. Szoszkiewicz, M. Lekka, A.J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, ” Probing local water contents on in vitro immobilized proteins at varying relative humidity by ultrasonic force microscopy”. Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 123901 (2005)
M. Jobin, R. Foschia, S. Grange, C. Baur, G. Gremaud, L. Forró, R.Foschia and A. Kulik, Versatile force-feedback manipulator for nanotechnology applications, Rev. Scientif. Instrum., 76, 053701 (2005)
R. Szoszkiewicz, B. Bhushan, B. D. Huey, A. J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, Adhesion hysteris and friction at nanometer and micrometer lengths, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 014310 (2006)
Atodiresei M, Gremaud G, Schaller R, Study of solute atom-dislocation interactions in Al-Mg alloys by mechanical spectroscopy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2006; 442, 160-164.
Ionascu C, Schaller R, Influence of carbon nanotubes and silicon carbide whiskers on the mechanical loss due to grain boundary sliding in 3-mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2006; 442, 175-178.
Sapozhnikov K, Golyandin S, Kustov S, Schaller R, Van Humbeeck J, Anelasticity of B19′ martensitic phase in NiTi and NiTiCu alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2006; 442, 398-403.
Schaller R, Mechanical spectroscopy of interface stress relaxation in metal-matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2006; 442, 423-428.
A. S. M. F. Chowdhury D M, R. Schaller,, Thermal stress relaxation in magnesium matrix composites studied by mechanical spectroscopy. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a). 2008; 205, 249-254.
Martin R, Tkalcec I, Mari D, Schaller R, Tempering effects on three martensitic carbon steels studied by mechanical spectroscopy. Phil. Mag. 2008; 88, 2907 – 2920.
Chowdhury A S M F, Mari D, Schaller R, Analysis of transient mechanical loss due to thermal stresses in metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 310-313.
Hennig J, Mari D, Schaller R, Order-disorder phase transition and stress-induced diffusion in Au-Cu. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). 2009; 79, 144116-144116.
Gremaud G, Theory of plasticity and anelasticity due to dislocation creep through a multi-scale hierarchy of obstacles. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 12-17.
Hennig J, Mari D, Schaller R, Stress-induced and atomic ordering in 18-carat Au-Cu-Ag alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 47-51.
Mari D, Schaller R, Mechanical spectroscopy in carbon nanotube reinforced ABS. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 255-258.
Martin R, Mari D, Schaller R, Influence of the carbon content on dislocation relaxation in martensitic steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 117-120.
Schaller R, Ionascu C, High-temperature mechanical loss and creep behavior of fine-grained zirconia-containing nano-sized reinforcements. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 217-220.
Schaller R, Mari D, dos Santos S M, Tkalcec I, Carreno-Morelli E, Investigation of hydrogen storage in carbon nanotube-magnesium matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 147-150.
Tkalcec I, Hennig J, Mari D, Schaller R, Mechanical spectroscopy of 18-carat AuCuPd white gold alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 52-54.
Mari D, Understanding the mechanical properties of hardmetals through mechanical spectroscopy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2009; 521-522, 322-328
Mari D, Clausen B, Bourke M A M, Buss K, Measurement of residual thermal stress in WC-Co by neutron diffraction. Int. J. Refr. Metals Hard Mater., 27, (2009) 282-287.
E. Bertseva1, J. Lekki, A.S.G. Singh, P. Thévenaz, M. Lekka, S. Jeney, G.Gremaud, S.Puttini, W.Nowak, G. Dietler, M. Unser, L. Forro, A. J. Kulik, Real-time 3D Intracellular Nanomanipulator for the Photonic Force Microscope, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 285709
Books and book chapters
D. Mari, Cermets and Hardmetals, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2001) 1118-1123.
R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, Proceedings of the Summer School Q-1 2001, ed. by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 684 pages, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)
G. Gremaud, “Dislocation-point defects interactions”, In “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, chapter 3.3, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001) , p. 178-247
G. Gremaud, E. Dupas, A. Kulik, “Surface and local spectroscopy”, In “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, chapter 8.2, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001) , p. 560-570
G. Gremaud, S. Kustov, O. Bremnes, “Ultrasonic techniques: PUCOT and ACT”, In “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, chapter 9.2, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001) , p. 652-667
G. Gremaud, E. Dupas, A. Kulik, “Scanning Local Acceleration Microscopy: SLAM”, In “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, chapter 9.3, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001) , p. 667-676
G. Gremaud, “Scanning Acoustic Microscopy: SAM”, In “Mechanical Spectroscopy, with Applications to Materials Science”, chapter 9.4, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001) , p. 676-684
R. Schaller and A. Rivière, “Recrystallization”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Mater. Sci. Forum 366-368 (2001) 276-287.
R. Schaller and A. Lakki, “Grain boundary relaxations in ceramics”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Mater. Sci. Forum 366-368 (2001) 315-337.
R. Schaller, “Precipitation”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Mater. Sci. Forum 366-368 (2001) 437-450.
R. Schaller and G. Fantozzi, “Damping and toughness”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Mater. Sci. Forum 366-368 (2001) 615-620.
R. Schaller, “High Damping Materials”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Mater. Sci. Forum 366-368 (2001) 621-631.
E. Carreño-Morelli, “Interface stress relaxation in metal matrix composites”, in Mechanical Spectroscopy Q-1 2001, R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi and G. Gremaud, eds., Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 (2001) 570-580
R. Schaller, “Low frequency mechanical spectroscopy of ceramics.”, in Advanced Materials, A. Raduta, M. Nicoara, L. Berta and C. Firu, eds., Editura Orizonturi Universitare Timisoara (2002) 309-338.
A.J. Kulik, A. Kis, G. Gremaud, S. Hengsberger, G. S. Luengo, Ph. K. Zysset , L. Forro, “Nanoscale Mechanical Properties – Measuring Techniques and Applications”, In « Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology », ed. by B. Bhushan, 2nd edition, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2007), pages 1107-1136
G. D’Anna, P. Mayor, « An oscillator in the granular matter », in « Unifying concepts in granular media and glasses », edited by A. Coniglio, A. Fierro, H.J. Herrmann, M. Nicodemi, Elsevier, 2004
R. Schaller, “Metal matrix composites with high damping capacity.”, in Advanced Materials: Summer School, 12-15 September 2004, Timisoara, Romania, Ed. A. Raduta, M. Nicoara, C. Firu, Editura Orizontari Universitare, (2004) pp. 7 – 24.
L. Llanes, D. Mari, V.K. Sarin, « Science of Hard Materials 8 », Elsevier Science, Oxford (2005)
D. Mari, L. Lanes, V.K. Sarin, Science of Hard Materials 9, Elsevier Science (2009).
A.V. Granato, G. Gremaud, F.M. Mazzolai, J. Eckert (guest editors), 15th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy, Mater. Sic. Eng. Vol. A521-522 (2009), 417 pages
Reviewed conference proceedings
E. Carreño-Morelli, B.L. Cheng, M. Demura, R. Schaller, N. Baluc and J. Bonneville, “Mechanical Loss Associated with Stress Anomaly in Ni3Al and Ni3(Al, Ta) single crystals.”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 57B (2000) 181-186.
F. Oulevey, D. Gourdon, E. Dupas, M. Liley, C. Duschl, A. J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, N. A. Burnham, “Micromechanics and Microtribology of Polymer Films”, In “Microstructure and Microtribology of Polymer Surfaces”, ed. by V.V. Tsukruk and K.J. Wahl, ACS Symposium Series 741, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (2000), p. 118-123
F. Oulevey, D. Gourdon, G. Gremaud, A. J. Kulik, N. A. Burnham, W. Benoit, “Nanoscale Study of Mechanical Properties”, In “Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage”, ed. by D. Miannay, P. Costa, D. François, A. Pineau, Elsevier Science, Oxford (2000), p. 917-922
R. Schaller and G. Fantozzi, “Study of the brittle-to-ductile transition in ceramics and cermets by mechanical spectroscopy”, in Physical Aspects of Fracture, E. Bouchaud, D. Jeulin, C. Prioul and S. Roux., eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (2001) pp. 111-121.
M. Daraktchiev and R. Schaller, “High temperature anelasticity and microplasticity of yttria-doped tetragonal zirconia polycrystals”, CIMTEC 2002 – 10th International Ceramic Congress – Part C, P. Vincenzini, Ed., Techna Srl., 2003, pp. 775-782.
R. Szoszkiewicz, G. Gremaud, B. D. Huey, A.J. Kulik, ” How can ultrasounds help with connecting friction and adhesion hysteresis at local scales ?”, In « Acoustical Imaging” , vol. 27, ed. By W. Arnold and S. Hirsekorn, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2004), p.741-748
A. Baldassarri, A. Barrat, G. D’Anna, V. Loreto, P. Mayor, A. Puglisi, « What is the temperature of a granular medium ? », Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, in the frame of the special publication « Granular media », to be published in April 2005.
G. Östberg, K. Buss, M. Christensen, S. Norgren, H.-O. Andrén, D. Mari, G. Wahnström, I. Reineck, Mechanisms of plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co, Int. J. Refr. Metals Hard Mater. 24, (2006) 135-144.
G. Östberg, K. Buss, M. Christensen, S. Norgren, H.-O. Andrén, D. Mari, G. Wahnström, I. Reineck, Effect of TaC on plastic deformation of WC-Co and Ti(C,N)-WC-Co, Int. J. Refr. Metals Hard Mater. 24, (2006) 145-154.
D. Mari, K, Buss, and W. Benoit, Phase transitions at grain boundaries in WC-Co and internal friction peak analysis. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 179-183.
I. Tkalcec, D. Mari and W. Benoit, Correlation between internal friction background and the concentration of carbon in solid solution in a martensitic steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 471-475.
M. Atodiresei, G. Gremaud and R. Schaller, Study of solute atom – dislocation interactions in Al-Mg alloys by mechanical spectroscopy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 160-164.
S. Kustov, S. Golyandin, A. Ichino, G. Gremaud, A new design of automated piezoelectric composite oscillator technique Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 532-537.
P. Mayor, G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud, A. Barrat, V. Loreto, Mechanical spectroscopy of vibrated granular matter Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 256-262.
S. Kustov, E. Cesari, G. Gremaud, Non-linear Anelasticity of Topological Vortex Matter in Martensites Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 390-397
I. Tkalcec, D. Mari and W. Benoit, Correlation between internal friction background and the concentration of carbon in solid solution in a martensitic steel. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 442, (2006) 471-475.
Patents and patent applications
R. Schaller, D. Vincent. “High damping capacity magnesium-silicon alloy – is esp. eutectic alloy, is used for light-constructional parts.”
Patent N°: CH667674-A, (1988)
D. Gonseth, D. Mari, P. Bowen, C.P. Carry, P. Streit and R. Mulone, High toughness ceramic/metal composite and process for making the same.
EP Patent 651067 B1 (2000).
W. Kurz, S. Bourban, F. Jansen, H. Hofmann and D. Mari, Method for the production of a ceramic layer on a metallic base material.
US Patent 6221175 (2001).