

Müller, A. L., Gu, W., Patsalo, V., Deutzmann, J. S., Williamson, J. R., & Spormann, A. M. (2021). An alternative resource allocation strategy in the chemolithoautotrophic archaeon Methanococcus maripaludisProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(16), e2025854118.

Gu, W., Müller, A. L., Deutzmann, J. S., Williamson, J. R., & Spormann, A. M. (2022). Growth rate-dependent coordination of catabolism and anabolism in the archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis under phosphate limitation. The ISME Journal16(10), 2313-2319.

Kracke, F., Deutzmann, J. S., Gu, W., & Spormann, A. M. (2020). In situ electrochemical H2 production for efficient and stable power-to-gas electromethanogenesis. Green Chemistry22(18), 6194-6203.

Deutzmann, J. S., Kracke, F., Gu, W., & Spormann, A. M. (2022). Microbial Electrosynthesis of Acetate Powered by Intermittent Electricity. Environmental Science & Technology56(22), 16073-16081.

Semrau, J. D., DiSpirito, A. A., Gu, W., & Yoon, S. (2018). Metals and methanotrophy. Applied and environmental microbiology84(6), e02289-17.

Gu, W., & Semrau, J. D. (2017). Copper and cerium-regulated gene expression in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Applied microbiology and biotechnology101, 8499-8516.

Lu, X., Gu, W., Zhao, L., Farhan Ul Haque, M., DiSpirito, A. A., Semrau, J. D., & Gu, B. (2017). Methylmercury uptake and degradation by methanotrophs. Science Advances3(5), e1700041.

Gu, W., Baral, B. S., DiSpirito, A. A., & Semrau, J. D. (2017). An aminotransferase is responsible for the deamination of the N-terminal leucine and required for formation of oxazolone ring A in methanobactin of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Applied and environmental microbiology83(1), e02619-16.

Gu, W., Farhan Ul Haque, M., DiSpirito, A. A., & Semrau, J. D. (2016). Uptake and effect of rare earth elements on gene expression in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. FEMS Microbiology Letters363(13).

Gu, W., Farhan Ul Haque, M., Baral, B. S., Turpin, E. A., Bandow, N. L., Kremmer, E., … & Semrau, J. D. (2016). A TonB-dependent transporter is responsible for methanobactin uptake by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Applied and environmental microbiology82(6), 1917-1923.