This is a dataset for research on privacy protection in context-dependent photo sharing, in our paper titled “Context-Dependent Privacy-Aware Photo Sharing based on Machine Learning”. The dataset was created through a user study on on 20 subjects, containing 12’216 personalized context-dependent sharing decisions for 1’018 images. The dataset can be helpful for related research of privacy protection or prediction in photo or information sharing, particularly in a context-dependent scenario. More information about the paper can be found in the paper ( or For privacy issue, we cannot release the images directly. Instead, all annotated information of those images, context information and users’ sharing decisions are provided in the dataset.
Get the dataset easily by downloading the file via the Link to Dataset.
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If you use these database in your research we kindly ask you to reference the associated paper:
Should you have any questions regarding this research please contact Lin Yuan (linyuan8966 (at) or Touradj Ebrahimi (touradj.ebrahimi (at)