VALID: Visual quality Assessment for Light field Images Dataset


You can download all files (reference images, decoded images, objective scores, subjective scores, interaction values) from the following FTP (please use dedicated FTP clients, such as FileZilla or FireFTP):

FTP address:
Password: ohsh9jah4T
FTP port: 21

After you connect, choose the VALID_dataset folder from the remote site, and download the relevant material. The total size of the provided data is ~60 GB.

I. Viola and T. Ebrahimi, “VALID: Visual quality Assessment for Light field Images Dataset,” 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Sardinia, Italy, 2018

URL link:

Please check the README file in the dataset for further information on terms and conditions for the encoded solutions in the dataset.

You may also check the above paper for some other helpful information.

In case of any problems or questions, please send an email to

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