International Summit
on Smart Wearable Systems


13th – 14th October 2016

EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland



Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a reality, and with it, the appearance of small intelligent devices linked together by large data networks to data centers collecting and analyzing “big data”. A sizable category of such intelligent devices are in form of so called wearables. An important function in all such devices is the sensing of either users (those who wear them) or the environment in which small intelligent devices operate. Sensors used in wearable and small intelligent devices capture various information ranging from monitoring of bodily activities to blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate in wearable devices, and external temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, location, and even altitude in small intelligent devices.

Wearable sensor-based systems can comprise various types of small physiological sensors, transmission modules and processing capabilities, and can thus facilitate low-cost wearable unobtrusive solutions for continuous all-day and any-place health, mental and activity status monitoring.

The data must follow standardized formats to be freely exchanged between different-made multi-vendor sensor devices and local and remote data centers. That obviously calls for standardization of data formats and data exchange protocols. Data Security, data analytics form significant part of such systems too.

The International Summit on Smart Wearable Systems aims at discussing these new exciting technologies, the challenges of implementing them, their interoperability, the needs for standards and more. Learn from academic and industry experts and visionaries about the latest and greatest on smart wearable systems in:

  • watches and smart watches,
  • food and wellbeing,
  • sensors,
  • devices,
  • medical applications,
  • and others…

Invited presentations highlights

  • Ecma and “Wearable” Standardization

    by István Sebestyén, Secretary General, Ecma International

    Presentation  &  Video

  • Wearable Computing – an Overview

    by Touradj Ebrahimi, Professor, EPFL

    Presentation  &  Video

  • Smartwatch — New user Experience

    by Satomi Michitsuta, Senior Wearable Technology Manager, Development Timepiece, Casio, Japan

    Presentation & Video

  • TAG Heuer Connected: how TAG Heuer innovated to adapt to the smartwatch world

    by Frédérique de Waresquiel, Project Manager – Connected Devices, TAG Heuer

    Presentation & Video

  • Laboratoire Dubois – Testing Watches and More

    by Silvano Freti, Director, Laboratoire Dubois

    Presentation & Video

  • A Smart Phone Demonstrator for Food Recognition Based on Deep Learning

    by Lin Yuan, PhD student, EPFL

    Presentation & Video

  • Desining Ultra-Low Power Wearable Systems for the Internet-of-Things Era

    by David Atienza Alonso, Professor, EPFL

    Presentation & Video

  • Can the Wearables be Social?

    by Michele Nitti, Assistant Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy

    Presentation & Video

  • Applying smartphone technologies to wearables

    by Serge Willenegger, SVP, Qualcomm


  • Personal Lifestyle and Health

    by Ramesh Jain, Professor, University of California, Irvine

    Presentation & Video

  • Food Image Analysis:The Big Data Problem You Can Eat!

    by Edward J. Delp, Professor, Purdue University

    Presentation & Video

  • Watches that Help You Make Better Sense of Your Wearable and Personal Health Data

    by Panos Nasiopoulos, Professor, The University of British Columbia

  • Smartwatches: More Smart than Watch!

    by Xavier Comtesse, Former Director, Think Tank Avenir Suisse


  • Textile Wearables – the Japanese Landscape

    by Masahito Kawamori, Project Professor, Keio University, Japan

    Presentation & Video

  • Practice of FoodLog, a Multimedia Food Recording Tool

    by Kiyoharu Aizawa, Professor, The University of Tokyo

    Presentation & Video

  • Panel Discussion

    Moderator: Patrick Luthi

    Panelists: Edward J. Delp, Ramesh Jain, Satomi Michitsuta, Touradj Ebrahimi


Call for contributions

Click here to download the call for contributions as PDF file

Important dates

  • Abstracts Due:

    September 23th, 2016

  • Acceptance Notification Due:

    September 30th, 2016

  • Presentations Upload Due:

    October 7th, 2016

  • Registration Open:

    July 1st, 2016 – October 9th, 2016

Submission instructions

Prospective speakers are invited to submit an extended abstract containing the main highlights of their contributions to:

After review by the Program Committee, speakers will be notified about the results and if successful, will be instructed about how to upload their presentations.

Registration required

Attendance at The International Summit on Smart Wearable Systems is free of charge, however all participants are kindly asked to register online until October 9th, 2016.

Go to Registration to open the registration form.



Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL

Institute of Electrical Engineering IEL

Multimedia Signal Processing Group MMSPG

CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Ecma International

Rue du Rhone 114

CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland


For any further requests and information please send an email to: