Fitri N. Rahayu were raised in Bandung, Indonesia. She received her Master of Science in Technical Informatics from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. During her master study, she worked on Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy project and collaborated with researchers in psychology from University of Amsterdam. Since July 2007, she is a Ph.D candidate at the Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service (Q2S) in Communication Systems at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Currently, her research is focusing on quality of experience, especially for Digital Cinema application.
Rahayu, Fitri N.; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Perkis, Andrew.
”Exploring Alternative Content in Digital Cinema”.
Proceeding of IEEE 16th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. Oct, 2010.
Rahayu, Fitri N.; ; Nielsen, Marlon T.M.; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Perkis, Andrew.
”Comparison of JPEG 2000 and H.264/AVC by Subjective Assessment in the Digital Cinema”.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX’10). IEEE, Trondheim, Norway, Jun, 2010.
Rahayu, Fitri N.; Reiter, Ulrich; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Perkis, Andrew; Svensson, Ulf Peter.
”SS-SSIM and MS-SSIM for digital cinema applications”.
In Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging. SPIE, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan, 2009.
Rahayu, Fitri N.; Reiter, Ulrich; Nielsen, Marlon T.M.; Ebrahimi, Touradj; Perkis, Andrew; Svensson, Ulf Peter
”Analysis of SSIM Performance for Digital Cinema Applications”.
In Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX’09). San Diego, CA, USA, Jul, 2009.
Perkis, Andrew; Rahayu, Fitri N.; Reiter, Ulrich; You, Junyong; Ebrahimi, Touradj;.
”Quality of experience for high definition presentations Case: Digital Cinema”.
In High-Quality Visual Experience: Creation, Processing and Interactivity of High-resolution and High-dimensional Video Signals. Springer-Verlag, 2010.