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Courses 2024 2025 Analysis III (english) The course studies the fundamental concepts of vector analysis and Fourier-Laplace analysis with a view to their use in solving multidisciplinary problems in scientific engineering. Numerical approximation of PDEs (english) The course is about the derivation, theoretical analysis and implementation of the finite element method for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations in one and two space dimensions. Parallel and high-performance computing (english) This course provides insight into a broad variety of High Performance Computing (HPC) concepts and the majority of modern HPC architectures. Moreover, the student will learn to have a feeling about what architectures are suited for several types of algorithms and learn to program for them. Advanced Scientific Programming in Python (english) This seminar teaches the participants to use advanced Python concepts for writing easier to read, more flexible and faster code.
It teaches concepts in a hands-on and tangible fashion, providing example use cases that all applied mathematicians can relate to.