Jan Luxemburg obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Sports Engineering in 2019 at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany. In 2022, Jan was awarded his Diplom Ingenieur degree at the Technical University in Vienna, Austria, where he studied Biomedical Engineering and specialized in Medical Physics and Imaging. For his diploma thesis, he worked for one year at the Excellence centre for High-Field MR in Vienna, and implemented advanced reconstruction schemes for fast MR spectroscopic imaging on a 7T Siemens scanner, in IDEA and ICE environment. In July 2022, he became a PhD candidate at the CIBM, supervised by Dr. Cristina Cudalbu and Prof. Dimitri Van De Ville. Jan’s main project is focused on the development of 31P fast MRSI acquisitions in the rat brain. This includes design of RF coils, sequence development, as well as processing algorithms and quantification.