Semester project instruction


  • Before the start of the semester: Choice of the project, discussion with the responsible assistant, inform the professor (email with: title of the project and name of the assistant)
  • Two weeks after the beginning: Detailed work plan and objectives have been established (one page)
  • Mid-semester: Intermediate presentation
  • Last week of the semester: Final presentation
  • Report: One week after the end of the semester. Follow the guidelines for writing reports.

Reports delivery

  • Semester project reports in PDF format should be delivered by email to the assistant at 16:00 on the due date (Friday, one work week after end of semester, refer to academic calendar)
  • A set of all data including the report, the presentation, and all additional information (images, videos, other files, …) should be sent by email or put on an electronic medium and delivered to the assistant.

Intermediate oral presentation (mid-term) / 15 min. presentation and discussion

  • Objectives of the project (context, motivation, specifications)
  • Background, description of the problem, hypothesis
  • Methodology – choice of the solutions – theoretical basis
  • Results
  • Analysis of the results (in the perspective of the objectives)
  • Work for the next phase (adjustments of the objectives, management of problems).

Final oral presentation (last week of the semester) / 12 min. presentation + 8 min. questions
Same plan as intermediate presentation plus :

  • Conclusion (in the perspective of the initial objectives)
  • Outlook
  • Self evaluation.