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AI matches protein interaction partners

— Scientists at EPFL unveil DiffPALM, an innovative AI method that enhances the prediction of protein interactions and our understanding of biological processes potentially relevant to medical applications.

Rendering of some of the team’s soluble protein analogues. EPFL/LPDI -CC-BY-SA 4.0

Membrane protein analogues could accelerate drug discovery

— EPFL researchers have created a deep learning pipeline for designing soluble analogues of key protein structures used in pharmaceutical development, sidestepping the prohibitive cost of extracting these proteins from cell membranes.

Andrea Ablasser. Credit: EPFL

Andrea Ablasser awarded the Cloëtta Prize 2024

— Professor Andrea Ablasser at EPFL’s School of Life Sciences is one of the two awardees of the 2024 Cloëtta Prize.

Andrea Ablasser. Credit: EPFL

Andrea Ablasser receives NOMIS Award

— Professor Andrea Ablasser at the EPFL School of Life Sciences has been honored with the prestigious NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award for 2024. The Award recognizes her groundbreaking contributions to the field of innate immunity and her significant impact on scientific research.

Alona's movements tracked by the SuperAnimal model © Kaosmovies / EPFL 2024

Unifying behavioral analysis through animal foundation models

— Behavioral analysis can provide a lot of information about the health status or motivations of a living being. A new technology developed at EPFL makes it possible for a single deep learning model to detect animal motion across many species and environments. This “foundational model”, called SuperAnimal, can be used for animal conservation, biomedicine, and neuroscience research.