Short bio
Camille-Sophie Brès is an associate professor at EPFL in the institute of Electrical Engineering. She received her bachelor degree with honors in electrical engineering from McGill University, Canada, in 2002. She obtained her PhD in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 2006. After a post-doctoral position at the University of California San Diego, she joined EPFL in 2011 as a tenure track professor and director of the Photonic Systems Laboratory. She and her team specialize on the design, simulation and demonstration of optical waveguides and devices for enhancing and controlling nonlinear processes aimed at light generation, signal processing, or sensing. The group’s work exploits dispersion engineering offered by integrated photonics, material properties of various optical platforms, and architectural features of systems to enable improved functionalities of nonlinear devices. Since 2023 she is the director of the Doctoral Program in Photonics at EPFL.
She was awarded the early career Women in Photonics Award from the European Optical Society in 2016, as well as ERC starting (2012), Consolidator (2017) and Proof of Concept (2019) grants. She has regularly served on the technical program committees for various international conferences (CLEO US, CLEO Eu, OFC, ECOC, Advanced Photonic Congress), was CLEO S&I Program Chair in 2022 and General Chair in 2024, and is an OPTICA fellow.
2023 |
NLO Hawaii, ‘Electric-field-induced Nonlinearities in Silicon Nitride Integrated Photonics’, Hololulu USA CLEO, ‘Electric-field-induced nonlinearities in silicon nitride nanophotonics’, San Jose USA Photonics West, ‘Nonlinear optical functions in silicon nitride integrated photonics’, San Francisco USA Photonics West, ‘Photo-induced nonlinearities in silicon nitride microresonators’, San Francisco USA |
2022 |
IEEE BENELUX Photonics Chapter, Keynote ‘Nonlinear optics in Si3N4 nanophotonics’, Twente Netherland GDR ELIOS workshop, ‘Electric field-induced nonlinearities in silicon nitride nanophotonics’, Marseille France Workshop on Frequency comb: Fundamentals and applications, ‘Photo-induced nonlinearities in silicon nitride nanophotonics’, Brussels Belgium European Optical Society Annual meeting, ‘Photo-induced nonlinearities in silicon nitride nanophotonics’, Porto Portugal |
2021 |
CHI 2 Photonics Conference Online, ‘chi(2) photonics in silicon nitride’ OPTICA Advanced Photonics Congress online meeting, ‘Versatile soliton microcombs for radiofrequency photonic filters’ OPTICA Sensing and Sensing Congress online meeting, ‘Tailored on-chip mid-IR light generation and application for gas spectroscopy’ IEEE Photonic Society Summer Topicals online meeting, ‘Exploiting soliton states in SiN microresonator for reconfigurable radiofrequency filters’ |
2020 |
Asia Communication and Photonics Conference Online meeting , ‘Soliton Microcombs for RF Photonic Filters’ SPIE Photonex + Vacuum Expo 2020 Digital Forum Online KEYNOTE, ‘Silicon nitride waveguides: towards a complete toolbox for nonlinear integrated photonic’ CLEO Pacific Rim Online meeting, ‘Soliton states of micro-resonator for reconfigurable microwave photonic filters’ ECIO Online meeting, ‘Supercontinuum generation in Silicon Nitride waveguides’ OSA Advanced Photonics Congress online meeting, ‘Nonlinear Frequency Conversion in Si3N4 Waveguides’ Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) online meeting, ‘Mid-infrared gas spectroscopy using fiber driven supercontinuum’ Photonics West, ‘Enhanced 2nd order nonlinearity in Si3N4 through optical poling’, San Francisco, USA |
2019 |
XVII international Workshop on Instabilities and NonEquilibrium, ‘Exploiting soliton states of micro resonator for microwave photonic filters’, Valparaiso, Chile IEEE Photonic Conference (IPC), ‘Optically induced second-order nonlinearity in silicon nitride waveguides’, San Antonio, USA OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, ‘Optical poling of silicon nitride waveguides for enhanced effective χ(2)’, Burlingame, USA Progress in Nonlinear Photonics Program Workshop, ‘Pushing nonlinear performances of silicon nitride nanophotonic waveguides’, Helsinki, Finland Photonics West, ‘Second and third order nonlinear effects in Si3N4 waveguide’, San Francisco USA |
2018 |
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ‘Enhancing optical nonlinear processes performance of silicon nitride waveguides’, Bucharest, Roumania OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, ‘High performance Chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers pumped in the short-wave infrared’, Zurich, Switzerland. Frontiers in Optics (FiO), ‘High performance Chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers pumped in the short-wave infrared’, Washington, USA Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP), ‘Pushing performances of nonlinear optics in silicon nitride waveguides’, Lima, Peru |
2017 |
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ‘Recent nonlinear optics advances in Silicon Nitride waveguides’, Girona, Spain CLEO Pacific Rim/OECC, ‘Optical Parametric Processes in Waveguides for the Middle Infrared’, Singapore, Singapore European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), ‘Dispersion engineered chalcogenide fibers for low power parametric amplification’, Gothenburg, Sweden Symposium on Future Prospects for Photonics on Mid-Infrared Light Sources and Applications, ‘Nonlinear parametric processes in waveguides for versatile SWIR and Mid-IR light generation’, Tampere, Finland |
2016 | International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Efficient broadband parametric conversion: reaching for the Mid IR,’ Trento, Italy |
2015 |
Swissphotonics workshop on new light sources, ‘Performance and outlook for isolator-free 2 micron fiber lasers,’ Bern, Switzerland Asian Conference on Photonics (ACP), ‘Broadband wavelength conversion: towards versatile Mid IR signal generation,’ Hong Kong International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ‘Advances in frequency comb synthesis-based Nyquist pulse-train generators and applications in optical systems,’ Budapest, Hungary. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), ‘Engineered optical parametric processes for wideband RF analyzer and pulse generation,’ Prague, Czech Republic |
2014 | AECC-ACOFT, ‘Optical Sinc-shaped Nyquist pulses from rectangular frequency comb synthesis for high spectral efficiency,’ Melbourne, Australia |
Coming Soon: Optical Frequency Comb from Supercontinuum Generation, C.-S- Brès and C. Lafforgue
Chapter 17: All optical pulse shaping for highest spectral efficiency, C.-S. Brès and J. Leuthold, in All –optical signal processing for data communication and storage application, Springer, edited by Stefan Wabnitz and Ben Eggleton, 2015
Chapter 6: Incoherent Optical CDMA systems, in Optical Code Division Multiple Access, Fundamentals and Applications, Taylor & Francis, edited by Paul R. Prucnal, 2006
Conference/Workshop/special even chair
2024 | General Chair, CLEO, Charlotte USA |
2023 | Organizer Photonics Day, EPFL |
2022 | Workshop organizer ECOC CLEO focus |
2022 | Progam Chair, CLEO San Jose USA |
2022 | Program Chair, OPTICA Advanced Photonics Congress, Specialty Optical Fibers |
2021 | Co-organizer 2-day Workshop as part of ETN European project MEFISTA |
2020-2022 | Sub-committee Chair SC1 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) |
2020-2021 | Sub-committee Chair S&I 11 CLEO |
2018 | Workshop organizer ECOC |
2017 | Sub-committee Chair OFC |
Technical program committee (Selection)
2024 | OTPICA Advanced Photonics Congress, Nonlinear Photonics (NP) |
2019 – 2024 | ECOC, SC 1: Novel Fibres, Fibre Devices & Amplifiers |
2022 – 2024 | OFC, D4: Fibers and Propagation Physics |
2017 – 2021 | CLEO, S&I11 : Fiber Photonics: Novel Phenomena, Lasers, Systems and Fabrication |
2019, 2021 | CLEO Europe, Optical Technologies for Communications and Data Storage |
2021 | OPTICA Advanced Photonics Congress, Integrated Photonics Research, Photonic Devices |
2015 – 2017 | OFC, D5: Fiber Devices, Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers, and Nonlinear Waveguides |
2011 – 2016 | ECOC, SC 1: Novel Fibres, Fibre Devices & Amplifiers |
Institutional responsabilities at EPFL
2023 – present | Director of the doctoral program in Photonics EDPO |
2022 – present | Member of the Scientific Committee of EPFL Center for Quantum Science and Technology |
2021 – present | Innovation board member (Switzerland NTN Innovation Booster Photonics) |
2021 | Member on the Working group for the evaluation of the 1st year bachelor |
2013 – present | Member on 5 Faculty search committees at EPFL |
2012 – present | Mentor for graduate students within the Photonics doctoral school at EPFL |
2012 – 2023 | Committee member of the doctoral program in Photonics EDPO (EDPO) |
2015 – 2021 | Elected member of the Council of EPFL teacher (CCE) |
2013 – 2018 | Study advisor for the 2018 graduating class in Electrical Engineering at EPFL |
Refereeing activities
Journals | Include: Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Laser and Photonics Review, IEEE Photonics Journal, Nature Scientific Reports, Nanophotonics IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Express, Optics Letters, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Communications, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics |
Fund. Agencies | Include: French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR); German Research Foundation (DFG), European Research Council (ERC), |
Lectures and Panels |
2023: Lecturer GDR Elios Summer school, ‘Supercontinuum in integrated waveguides’ 2022: Panelist CLEO 2022 Special Event “Optimizing Career Paths in Optics: The Guide for Young Professionals,” 2022: Lecturer ePIXfab course on silicon nitride PICs, ‘Nonlinear optical functions enabled by SiN PICs’ 2021: Lecturer Ligentec Winter School Online, ‘Silicon nitride for nonlinear integrated photonics’ 2019: Lecturer ePIXfab silicon photonics summer ‘Nonlinear Optics: moving from fiber to integrated approaches’ 2019: Speaker Frontiers in Photonics, ‘Pushing nonlinear frequency conversion in SiN integrated waveguides’ 2017: Speaker Symposium on Future Prospects for Photonics on Mid-Infrared Light Sources and Applications, ‘Nonlinear parametric processes in waveguides for versatile SWIR and Mid-IR light generation’, 2015, 2016, 2020: Speaker to Gymnasium Students to promote engineering to women ‘The path of an electrical engineer (an illustrated example from one individual)’ |
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