Bernoulli workshop: dispersive equations

Young researchers in deterministic and probabilistic dispersive equations

Bernoulli Center, Lausanne, 7th – 11th October 2024



The workshop aims at bringing together early career researcher in order to foster the communication and collaboration of researchers across a broad spectrum in the field of dispersive PDEs.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Yvonne Alama-Bronsard (Sorbonne Univ.)
  • Bjoern Bringmann (Princeton Univ.)
  • Nicolas Camps (Nantes Univ.)
  • James Coe (Univ. of Edinburgh)
  • Charles Collot (Univ. de Cergy Pontoise)
  • Louise Gassot (Univ. de Rennes)
  • Irfan Glogić (Univ. of Vienna)
  • Jacek Jendrej (Univ. Sorbonne Paris Nord)
  • Thierry Laurens (Univ. of Wisconsin)
  • Ruoyuan Liu (Univ. of Edinburgh)
  • Maria Ntekoume (Concordia Univ.)
  • Tristan Robert (Univ. de Lorraine)
  • Martin Spitz (Bielefeld Univ.)
  • Leonardo Tolomeo (Univ. of Edinburgh)
  • Frédéric Valet (Univ. de Cergy Pontoise)
  • David Wallauch-Hajdin (Univ. of Vienna)


  • Andreia Chapouto (Univ. of Edinburgh) – a.chapouto[at]
  • Justin Forlano (Univ. of Edinburgh) – j.forlano[at]
  • Tobias Schmid (EPFL) – tobias.schmid[at]
  • Younes Zine (EPFL) – younes.zine[at]

Sponsors: this workshop is funded by the Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies and SwissMap.

Registration is now open:

Please fill in the above form if you are interested in attending the workshop.

(Please note that there is no guarantee of support from the workshop due to limited funds.)