
This webpage is updated periodically with code, software, structural performance databases and other tools developed within RESSLab.

  • Structural Performance Databases
  • IIDAP Software (Interactive Interface for Dynamic Analysis Procedures) Version 1.2.2: The Interactive Interface for Dynamic Analysis Procedures (IIDAP) is a standalone MATLAB-based program that performs various dynamic analysis procedures for deteriorating and non-deteriorating single degree-of-freedom (SDoF) systems. The program is able to develop fragility curves of various damage states including collapse. It also interfaces with site-specific hazard curves to compute the mean annual frequency of collapse. The program works both in MAC and Windows machines. Installation procedures and tutorials for the program can be found from the following link.
  • Developed Component Deterioration Models (DLLs for any OpenSees version): External DLL executables for the modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler (IMK) deterioration models for simulating deterioration in strength and stiffness of various structural components.-IMKBilin: Typically used for simulating the behavior of structural steel components-IMKPeakOriented: Typically used for simulating the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) components that exchibit peak-oriented hysteretic behavior

    -IMKPinching: Typically used for simulating the behavior of any structural component that is characterized by pinching

  • Visit our GitHub.