
© 2024 EPFL/Julia Schmale

SENSE at work in Greenland

— Near Narsaq

© 2023 EPFL

Belgica medal for Jérôme Chappellaz

— Professor Jérôme Chappellaz has been awarded the Belgica 2023 Medal for polar exploration by the Royal Academy of Belgium.

© Laurence Piaget-Dubuis

“Valais is an ideal laboratory to study climate change impacts”

— Exploring the climate crisis with Jérôme Chappellaz, environmental scientist and academic director of ALPOLE at EPFL.

© 2023 EPFL

One Planet – Polar Summit

— The Arctic and Antarctic are major strategic areas on which the balance of the planet largely depends.

© Jérôme Chappellaz / Samuel Jaccard / 2023 EPFL

GreenFjord campaign

— Aboard the Greenlandic oceanographic vessel SANNA

Jérôme Chappellaz © Jean-Yves Vitoux, Institut polaire français IPEV

“The polar regions are an utterly fascinating scientific playground”

— Joining EPFL to head the Ferring Pharmaceuticals Margaretha Kamprad Chair in Environmental Sciences, Jérôme Chappellaz brings decades of experience studying the evolution of the earth’s climate and sharing his findings with the public.

© 2023 EPFL

SENSE at the Open Days of the EPFL

— Topic of the session: 'Ce que les carottes de glace nous apprennent de l’évolution des gaz à effet de serre'

© 2023 EPFL

Some shots of the exciting inaugural lecture

— Jérôme Chappellaz gives a captivating inaugural lecture summarising 35 years of research in 30 minutes.

L'expédition Atlantea se déroulera à bord du voilier Carlina, fourni à Sailowtech par l'association Ocean Trotter. ©Ocean Trotter

Students want to invite the ocean on EPFL campus

— To build awareness about the importance of oceans, Sailowtech, a student association, has launched a project to develop low-tech methods for collecting data at sea. The methods will be tested during a sailing expedition around the North Atlantic Ocean. Various EPFL labs are also involved.

© 2023 EPFL

Master's project in chemistry/chemical engineering

— We are pleased to announce that we are offering a Master's course in chemistry/chemical engineering together with Professor Kumar Agrawal (EPFL Valais Wallis): 'Characterization and benchmarking of transport properties two-dimensional membranes for dissolved gas extraction in aquatic environments'

© 2023 EPFL

Inaugural Lecture – Prof. Jérôme Chappellaz

— Ferring Pharmaceuticals Margaretha Kamprad Chair Lecture:  "From ice to water: an experimental path in deciphering greenhouse gas dynamics"

© 2022 EPFL

Merry Christmas

— The small SENSE team wishes you a happy holiday season and all the best for the year 2023. May it be for you a year full of… SENSE!

The new building houses the Alpine and Polar Environmental Research Centre. © Olivier Maire

EPFL plans new research center in Valais on the energy transition

— Ten years after signing the agreement to open its Valais Wallis campus in Sion, today EPFL opened a new building on the campus: Alpole, which will serve as a research center on alpine and polar environments. EPFL also took the opportunity to unveil plans to create another research center in Sion – one focused on the energy transition – and has obtained preliminary approval from the Valais cantonal government.

© 2022 EPFL

Appointment of two professors at ENAC

— Professor Martin Ackermann, currently Full Professor at ETH Zurich, is additionally appointed as Full Professor of Microbial Systems Ecology in the ENAC School. Professor Jérôme Chappellaz, currently Director of Research at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France, will join the ENAC School as Full Professor of Environmental Engineering (Environmental Observation under Extreme Conditions), in Sion.

All news