Julien Hugonnier

Professor of Finance
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
CEPR Research fellow
Extranef 212
CH–1015 Lausanne


Perpetual futures pricing (Executive summary)
with Damien Ackerer and Urban Jermann, Revised February 2025.

Admissible surplus dynamics and the government debt puzzle
with Pierre Collin Dufresne and Elena Perazzi, June 2023

Speculative behavior in decentralised markets 
Permanent working paper, 2015.

Asset pricing with source dependent risk-aversion
In preparation.

The economics of OTC markets
A toolkit for the analysis of decentralised exchanges 
with Benjamin Lester and Pierre-Olivier Weill,
Forthcoming: Princeton University Press, May 2025

Asset pricing with costly short sales
with Rodolfo Prieto, Forthcoming: Management Science, October 2023.

Debt Dynamics with Fixed Issuance Costs 
Online appendix of the paper by L. Benzoni, L. Garlappi, R. Goldstein, and C. Ying, Journal of Financial Economics 146(2):385-402, 2022.

Optimal fund menus
with Jaksa Cvitanic, Mathematical Finance 32(2):455–516. 2022.

Heterogeneity in decentralized asset markets
with Benjamin Lester and Pierre-Olivier Weill, Theoretical Economics, 17:1313–1356, 2022.

Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic, and at Gunpoint
with Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour. The Economic Journal, 132(643):1095–1122, 2022.

Time changes, Lévy jumps, and asset returns: Theory and Evidence.
with Hassan Fallahgoul and Loriano Mancini. 
 Journal of Financial Econometrics, August 2021:1-42.

Closing Down the Shop: Optimal Health and Wealth Dynamics Near the End of Life, with Florian Pelgrin and Pascal St-Amour Health Economics, 29(2), February 2020, 138-153.

Frictional intermediation in over-the-counter markets (Online appendix) with Benjamin Lester and Pierre-Oliver Weill, Review of Economic Studies, 2020(87):1432-1469.

Bank capital,liquid reserves, and insolvency risk (Online appendix)
with Erwan Morellec, Journal of Financial Economics 125(2):266–285, 2017.

Capital supply uncertainty, cash holdings and investment (Online appendix)
with Semyon Malamud and Erwan Morellec, Review of Financial Studies 28(2):391–445, 2015.

Credit market frictions and capital structure dynamics (Online appendix)
with Semyon Malamud and Erwan Morellec, Journal of Economic Theory 157:1130–1158, 2015.

Asset pricing with arbitrage activity
with Rodolfo Prieto, Journal of Financial Economics 115(2):411–428, 2015.

Event risk, contingent claims, and the temporal resolution of uncertainty
with Pierre Collin Dufresne, Mathematics and Financial Economics 8(1):29–69, 2014.

Health and (other) asset holdings
with Florian Pelgrin and Pascal Saint Amour. Review of Economic Studies 80(2):663–710, 2013.

Incomplete information, idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns
with Tony Berrada. Journal of Banking and Finance 37(2):448–462, 2012.

Rational asset pricing bubbles and portfolio constraints (Slides)
Journal of Economic Theory 147(6):2260–2302, 2012.

Endogenous completeness of diffusion driven equilibrium markets (Technical appendix)
with Semyon Malamud and Eugene Trubowitz, Econometrica 80(3):1249–1270, 2012.

Mutual fund competition in the presence of dynamic flows
with Michèle Breton and Tarek Masmoudi, Automatica 46:1176–1185, 2010.

Mutual fund portfolio choice in the presence of dynamic flows
with Ron Kaniel, Mathematical Finance 20(2):187–227, 2010.

Pricing and hedging in the presence of extraneous risk
with Pierre Collin-Dufresne, Stochastic Processes and Applications 117(6):742–765, 2007.

Corporate control and real investment in incomplete markets
with Erwan Morellec, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31(5):1781–1800, 2007.

Heterogenous preferences and equilibrium trading volume
with Tony Berrada and Marcel Rindisbacher, Journal of Financial Economics 83:719–750, 2007.

On the utility-based pricing of contingent claims in incomplete markets
with Dmitry Kramkov and Walter Schachermayer, Mathematical Finance 15(2):203–212, 2005.

A general formula for valuing defaultable securities
with Pierre Collin-Dufresne and Robert Goldstein, Econometrica 72(5):1377–1409, 2004.

Optimal investment with random endowments in incomplete markets
with Dmitry Kramkov, Annals of Applied Probability 14(2):845–864, 2004.

The Feynman-Kac formula and pricing occupation time derivatives
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 2(2):153–178, 1999.

Foundations in Financial Economics
(Ba5, Fall)
 with Professor Collin Dufresne. The aim of this course is to expose bachelor students to some of the main areas in financial economics. Students will obtain both practical insights through real-world examples and understand how one can model the main economic trade-offs. The course will be organized around six themes: The time value of money and capital budgeting, the risk/return tradeoff and portfolio choice, Derivatives pricing, Capital structure, Agency relations, and Trading by insiders.

Derivatives (Master in Financial Engineering, Spring). This course provides a detailed treatment of standard models for the valuation and hedging of derivatives products such as European options, American options, forward and futures contracts, and exotics. The course will be divided into two parts with the first part covering discrete time models and the second covering continuous time models.

Dynamic Asset Pricing (EDFI, Spring). This course provides an advanced introduction to the methods and results of dynamic asset pricing in continuous time. Topics include no-arbitrage restrictions on assets prices, portfolio and consumption choice problems, complete and incomplete markets equilibrium models with heterogenous agents, dynamic learning, portfolio optimization under constraints, and non time additive preferences.