Student Kreativity and Innovation Laboratory – SKIL
The Student Kreativity and Innovation Lab (SKIL) is an ENAC initiative, which aims at promoting a new culture at EPFL by encouraging student initiative, creativity, and interdisciplinarity in a workshop environment permitting the realization of hands-on projects. This workshop, officially inaugurated in September 2018, is intended mainly for ENAC students, but is also open to BA and MA students from across EPFL. It supports projects by groups or individual students who wish to develop their own ideas and require a practical learning space.

More information?

General – Annual report 2019
To find out more about SKIL’s activities, please consult our 2019 annual report.

General – Ongoing projects in the SKIL
A brief overview of the diversity of projects currently underway at SKIL?

Student – How to access?
To access the SKIL and use the equipment, it is necessary to follow basic trainings. More information are here.
News linked with the SKIL
During the semesters – Fall 2020:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 -> 20:00
Saturday: Closed
Monday to Friday: 08:00 -> 20:00
During the breaks between semesters:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 > 17:00
Saturday: Closed
Monday to Friday: 08:00 > 17:00
Saturday: Closed
Delivery address (please notify with the delivery information):
Samuel Cotture
Bâtiment SKIL
Station 18
CH – 1015 Lausanne
If you have any question, please contact: