Credited by the SKIL

Our project aims to make a quasi-autonomous glider that would use as little of its engine as possible thanks to its ability to seek out hot air currents and use them to gain height. Human intervention would take place during take-off and landing, and the engine battery would be recharged by solar panels.

Let’s face it, some EPFL squares look more like Walmart car parks on a Sunday morning than places to meet and relax to enjoy a sandwich at lunchtime or a discussion on subatomic particles in the afternoon. Thus, it seemed necessary to invent the Bamboulette. Future indispensable object of the public squares, it will have the ambition to be a chair, a bench, an umbrella, a trolley and a green space at the same time!

Our idea, called Mego-Land, is to recycle plastic filters from cigarette butts to produce ashtrays. These ashtrays would be of two complementary types: collective and portable. Portable ashtrays prevent smokers from discarding their cigarette butts in the wild. Collective ashtrays, in addition to collecting cigarette butts from people nearby, near a bar for example, allow owners of portable ashtrays to dispose of accumulated cigarette butts, so that they can be sent to a recycling company.

Seeded paper
This project aims to encourage people to avoid the one-time use of some products. What’s better than planting flyers and business cards that you only read once? Simply plant, water and a little sunshine to obtain vegetables or flowers from the seeded paper.

Pizza Funghi
Our project focuses on the application of two materials: soil and the root part of mushrooms. Together we want to test the potential for combining these resources through a series of experiments to test their properties. The final experience will be the start-up of a wood oven revisited by our techniques.

Dew water harvester
Dew has an interesting potential as source of water. We are looking to create an easy to build harvester to exploit this phenomenon. The materials will be easily accessible so that the crop can be built in the event of a pandemic and the water will be used to irrigate plants to allow greater food self-sufficiency.

What if you could travel with a piece of home? what if you could get lost in the nature with a shelter? what if. . . we could go around the world without a low impact? Let’s invent the diOgen!
SKIL Credited Projects

Development of the Sustainable Grocery on EPFL campus
Healthy eating, local and zero waste? Yes, I’d like to, but it’s a pain in the ass. . . it looks expensive. . . and I don’t have time. . . If only there was a bio-local-bulk grocery store on campus!

Biochar : Production and testing in small scale use
Eutrophication, soil degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and many more: Industrial agriculture has devastating impacts. As an alternative solution, biochar fertilization is a powerful idea that allows a very productive and more sustainable way of food production, and is in fact very simple, as is presented in this project.

Zero Emission Group: Research activities’ carbon accounting
We are a group of EPFL students concerned by the consecutive scientific reports on global warming, and we all share a strong willingness to mobilize our scientific expertise to address this issue. Through this project, the Zero Emission Group wants to produce a report that would serve as a support for the SV Faculty to extend the process to all laboratories and at the same time implement a series of measures to reduce the carbon impact of research activities.

Aluminum Recycling Study – waste classification and possible reuses
Why are there no aluminium bins at the foot of the houses like glass recycling bins? We were intrigued by this simple question, weren’t you?
EPFL Interdisciplinary projects

EPFL Racing Team (LRT) for the Formula Student competition
The EPFL Racing Team is a student team founded in September 2017 on the initiative of a few students of Mechanical Engineering. It quickly attracted a lot of interest from students in different sections.

GrowbotHub for Igluna project
Who has never dreamed of going to the moon? But have you thought about how you will eat once you get there? The GrowbotHub project by the Légumes Perchés association aims to create a system that will allow the cultivation of fruits and vegetables for the moon.

The SP80 project was founded in September 2017, gathering a team of EPFL students and Alumni with the same desire to push the limits of speed sailing.
Other supported projects

Verti’SKIL by Act4Change Lab
This student project aims to bring more greenery to the EPFL campus by implementing a first prototype of a green wall on the SKIL.

CIEL – Tomorrow’s sustainable olympic village
CIEL stands for Concours Interdisciplinaire Etudiant de Lausanne and organizes an annual idea competition for a continuous period of 24 hours on the UNIL and EPFL campus. The conceptual core of this project is synergy, the synergy of ideas, people, skills, disciplines, motivations and sensitivities.