Propose/join a project

You are an EPFL student (BA or MA) or a group with EPFL student (BA or MA), The SKIL is here for you. If you would like to propose a project, if you are interested in joining an ongoing project in the SKIL or if you would like to use the tools available in the SKIL, just do the following:

  1. Write an email to and briefly describe your interest.
  2. Set an appointment date with the SKIL coordinator for a friendly meeting.
  3. Together with the coordinator, you will discuss about your idea, its implementation and the opportunities given by the SKIL (credits, equipment, training courses,…). You will be asked to complete the project template to organize your project. (see SKILProject_Template).
  4. Just transform your idea into a prototype inside the SKIL.

If your are not an EPFL student (BA or MA), but you really want to have access to the SKIL, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the SKIL coordinator by writing to

NOTE: If the number of registered people is too important, the priority will be given to the ENAC students and the groups with at least one ENAC student.