
Celebration after Emma's candidacy exam. From left to right: Orly, Evan Thomas, Tobias Bölscher, Meret, Kristina, Emma, Camila, Lorenz, Xinru, and Alice. © Hendrik Huwald

Congratulations, Emma and welcome, Alice!

— SOIL had an eventful week: Emma passed her candidacy exam and we welcomed a new member for the summer: Alice Giorgetti. Congratulations, Emma and welcome, Alice!

Welcoming our guest Adriano! From left to right: Orly, Lorenz, Emma, Xinru, Meret, Camila, Adriano, Kristina, and Zhipeng © 2024 Elizaveta Sharaborova

Adriano joined us as visiting professor for the summer

— Prof. Adriano Sofo from the University of Basilicata is joining SOIL for the summer.

Emma (left) and Kristina (right) presented their work at the Centennial of the IUSS © 2024 Kristina Bright (left) and Emma DeFrang (right)

Emma and Kristina presented at the Centennial of the IUSS

— Emma and Kristina presented the most recent findings of their doctoral work at the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences in Florence in May.

Adobe Stock Image

Congratulations, Kristina and Fabrice!

— Kristina was accepted into the EPFL PhD Excellence program and Fabrice was awarded a fellowship by the 100 PhDs for Africa program. Congratulations to both of them!

Camila during her field sampling campaign. © Orly Mendoza 2024

Camila joined SOIL!

— SOIL has a new member: Camila Morales!

Meret's presentation at EGU © 2024 Maya Engel

SOIL's contribution at EGU

— Meret presented some of SOIL's work on soil bioenergetics at the EGU General Assembly 2024.

Celebrating our new arrivals. From left to right: Bence, Kristina, Anaëlle, Zhipeng, Xinru, Emma, Lorenz, and Meret. © 2024 Meret Aeppli

Anaëlle and Zhipeng joined SOIL!

— SOIL has two new members: Anaëlle Semerle is joining us for her MSc project and Zhipeng Shu for an academic visit. Welcome!

Time to celebrate © Adobe Stock image

Meret receives the Jin Jingfu Memorial Lecture award

— Meret was awarded the Jin Jingfu Memorial Lecture by the International Association of Geochemistry. Congratulations!

© 2024 EPFL

E4S Community Meetup – Biodiversity

— Meret presented SOIL's work on Alpine soils at the E4S Community Meetup on Biodiversity.

Screenshot of the w$eb viewer we developed in this work.

First project completed: Web viewer for flood risk communication

— We completed the first project at SOIL: in a collaboration with Izni Mohd Zahidi from Monash University in Malaysia and the ENAC-IT4R team, we have been working on creating a public flood web viewer over the past year. The web viewer visualises flood risks in the Selangor River catchment in Malaysia. You can check it out at

Meret, Xinru, Kristina, Bence, and Lorenz (from left to right) © 2024 Meret Aeppli

Xinru joined SOIL (and other good news)!

— With the arrival of the new year, SOIL has a new member: Xinru Liu!

© 2023 EPFL

Interview with Meret in the Dimensions magazine

— Meret is featured in the newest edition of the EPFL Dimensions magazine (#10).

© RTS - Sarah Dirren

Discover the Institut de recherche sur lʹenvironnement

— Discovering the ALPOLE Institute for Research on the Alpine and Polar Environment at EPFL Valais Wallis Sion.

From left to right: Orly, Emma, Kristina, Jasmin, Shushu, Bence, and Romain © 2023 Meret Aeppli

Shushu and Jasmin joined SOIL for their semester projects

— Shushu and Jasmin joined the SOIL group for the fall semester. Welcome!

Giulia and her poster (with Meret) at the ENAC Research Day © 2023 Emma DeFrang

SOIL at ENAC Research Day

— Giulia presented her MSc thesis work on a poster at the ENAC research day.

SOIL group in the Alpole yard. From left to right: Emma, Meret, Kristina, Romain, Lorenz, and Antoine. © 2023 Meret Aeppli

Romain joined SOIL!

— SOIL has another new member: Romain Castro- welcome!

New publication in ACS Earth & Space Chemistry

— Meret co-authered a review article recently published in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. The work was led by Emily Lacroix, who is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lausanne. The article is part of a special issue on Environmental Redox Processes and Contaminant and Nutrient Dynamics.

The SOIL group in August (from left to right): Meret, Antoine, Bence, Emma, Lorenz, Kristina, and Orly. © 2023 Meret Aeppli

Emma joined SOIL!

— SOIL welcomed a new member this month: Emma DeFrang!

Our field site in Binntal. From left to right: Eric, Bence, Antoine, Kristina, Lorenz and Meret.© 2023 Meret Aeppli

Field work in Valais

— Kristina and Bence started their field work in Binntal and Vallon de Réchy. They are supported by Antoine and Eric.

From left to right: Lorenz, Orly, and Meret © 2023 Meret Aeppli

Orly joined SOIL!

— SOIL has a new member: Orly Mendoza. Welcome!