Tang Lab

Laboratory of Biomaterials for Immunoengineering

Li Tang wins Friedrich Miescher Award

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School of Engineering Professor Li Tang has won one of the two Friedrich Miescher Awards for 2025 for his outstanding achievements in biochemistry.

Our research

Our immune system is constantly defending us from many diseases through profound interactions with invaders or diseased cells. Such interactions are multi-dimensional, meaning that extensive biological, chemical, and physical exchanges are involved. With that in mind, the team of Tang Laboratory is developing novel strategies to engineer such multi-dimensional immunity-disease interactions from various aspects, an emerging field called ‘immunoengineering’, in order to create safe and effective therapies against cancer and infectious diseases.


Head of Laboratory : Li Tang
MED 1 2826, Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone : +41 21 693 0937
Email: li.tang@epfl.ch

Administrative Assistant : Monica Navarro Suarez
MED 1 2726, Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone : +41 21 693 0756
Email: monica.navarro@epfl.ch

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