Welcome to the Tribology and Interfacial Chemistry (TIC) Group
The “TIC” is in charge of teaching and research in the broad area of surface science and technology of materials. About 9-10 people (including Ph.D. students) work in this Group, most of them financed from research contracts with government agencies and industry.
Particular interests and competences of the TIC include modern aspects of tribology and chemical interactions occuring at liquid-material interfaces.
Current research projects deal with tribocorrosion (wear-corrosion interactions), surface chemical effects in tribology, corrosion and tribology in biological systems, metallurgical and electrochemical processes for improved surface properties.
TIC collaborates with industry and research institutions and it provides scientific services in tribology and corrosion.

Follow the links mentioned below to know more about the guest speakers:
Prof. M. Rodriguez-Ripoll