Student Projects

Semester project opportunities in the Tribology and Interfacial Chemistry (TIC) group can be known by contacting the following person:

The person in charge will be able to guide you regarding the semester project opportunities within their research areas and inform you about any potential openings in the lab. 

For more information on the different potential areas of research at TIC, please contact Dr. Anna Igual

Available Semester Project for Fall-2024

Corrosion of aged iron in model soil

Bentonite is a clay proposed as a buffer material in radioactive waste disposal in contact with metal in many countries. The corrosion of iron/steel in contact with bentonite is a key factor affecting the disposal system’s long-term performance and safety. While past research has examined corrosion rates and film formation post-burial in bentonite, the specifics of corrosion mechanisms remain elusive. This semester’s research aims to investigate corrosion product formation and corrosion kinetics of the aged [pre-corroded] iron. Experiments will involve simple electrochemical methods to simulate accelerated corrosion and analyse the resulting mechanisms complemented with surface analysis. Student will be trained on the required instruments and techniques.

Responsible supervisorPranav Kulkarni, [email protected]

Updated: 21 June 2024

You will also find a practical guide for managing a semester project tailored specifically to assist bachelor’s or master’s students in successfully planning, organizing, and executing their semester projects