News & Events

Improvement in the Georeferencing Errors with proposed VDM constraints.

ISPRS Open Journal Best Paper Award for ESO

— ESO Research Team Wins Best Paper Award in the ISPRS Open Journal for 2023 qualifying them to compete for a €10,000 grant as part of the Fritz Ackermann Award. 

© 2024 EPFL

New insights on Aerodynamic Aspects for Model-based Navigation

— PhD candidate Pasquale Longobardi, of EPFL’s Environmental Sensing Observatory (ESO) presents the latest advancements on model-based navigation for flying wings in an article in the CEAS Aeronautical Journal.

© 2024 EPFL

ESO member featured in Institute of Navigation (ION) webinar

— PhD candidate, Aman Sharma, of EPFL's Environmental Sensing Observatory (ESO) shared novel insights into aerodynamics and model-based navigation for small, fixed-wing drones in a featured webinar hosted by the Institute of Navigation (ION).

© 2023 EPFL

Safer Drone Navigation: Novel Calibration Enhances Flight missions

— Researchers at ESO have developed a groundbreaking calibration algorithm that significantly improves the autonomous navigation of fixed-wing drones when satellite positioning is not available at virtually zero additional cost. 

© 2023 EPFL

ESO hosted large delegation from Leibniz Universität Hannover

— Environmental Sensing Observatory (ESO) organised a research seminar and lab visit for the staff and students of Geomatics Engineering from Leibniz Universität Hannover led by the Professor and past ISRS President, Dr.-Ing. Christian Heipke.

© 2023 EPFL

Top PhD-thesis award in air traffic safety

— Former PhD student received the top award (and related price money) for his 2022 thesis related to navigation safety. The price was discerned by the representant of the technological platform that inovates air traffic managment in Europe (SESAR).

© 2022 EPFL

Tutorial on rigorous sensor fusion

— Two researchers of EPFL-TOPO together with Dr. Ismael Colomina from Geonumerics have given a tutorial on Dynamic Networks on June 5, 2022, at the ISPRS Congress in Nice.

The authors Davide A. Cucci, Aurélien Brun and Jan Skaloud. © Alain Herzog/EPFL

The missing piece to faster, cheaper and more accurate 3D mapping

— Engineers at EPFL and the University of Geneva believe they hold the key to automated drone mapping. By combining artificial intelligence with a new algorithm, their method promises to considerably reduce the time and resources needed to accurately scan complex landscapes.

© 2021 EPFL J. Skaloud

UAV Open Data

— A group of researchers led by MER Jan Skaloud released high quality UAV data to serve advances in drone mapping.

Jan Skaloud is a member of EPFL's Geodetic Engineering Laboratory. © DR

Jan Skaloud receives the Samuel Gamble Award

— Jan Skaloud is a senior scientist in environmental engineering. He has received the prestigious and highly competitive Samuel Gamble Award for his scientific contributions to the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing.

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