
Brain TExplorer

Welcome to Brain TExplorer.

This app allows you to interactively browse gene and transposable element expression throughout human neurogenesis. Heatmaps show the relative expression of the selected gene and TE per stage and region. Line plots are generated on a per region basis and gives the Pearson correlation coefficient, alongside significance P-value of the selected gene and TE subfamily.

All data used to generate plots is available in supplemental materials of Playfoot et al., 2021.  

If using Brain TExplorer, please cite: Playfoot et al., 2021.

Brain miRTExplorer

Welcome to Brain miRTExplorer.

This app allows you to interactively browse the spatiotemporal expression of annotated TE-embedded and non-TE-embedded miRNAs throughout human neurogenesis. Heatmaps show the expr

All data used to generate plots is available in the supplemental materials of Playfoot et al., 2022. 

If using Brain miRTExplorer, please cite: Playfoot et al., 2022.


The KRABopedia is an effort from the Tronolab to collate KRAB zinc finger protein data
and make it easily accessible to the public. The KRABopedia gather information from
proteomics, genomics and transcriptomics for the entirety of the KRAB zinc finger proteins.

If using KRABopedia, please cite:
de Tribolet-Hardy et al.