Student projects

We are happy to offer opportunities for motivated students to conduct a bachelor, semester, or master project in our lab or to help you find a project in a lab abroad.

We do not have a list of specific project proposals, instead we try to find a suitable project connected to our ongoing research depending on your background and interests. To have an idea of the type of projects you can do with us, please check the list of past student projects here or our ongoing research projects here.

If you are interested in conducting a semester project or master thesis in the lab, please fill out this form and we will get back to you (at the latest) two weeks before the start of the semester with specific project suggestions. 

We prefer to offer you a master thesis in our own lab, but if you want to conduct your master’s thesis in a lab outside of EPFL but in our field of research, we might be able to connect you to labs we know or with whom we have current or past collaborations. Please note that we can put in a better word for you when we have interacted before and know you a little. If you think this applies, you can fill out this form and we will get back to you shortly. Please understand that your submission of the form does not imply that we will arrange a master’s thesis opportunity outside of EPFL, nor that we agree to supervise your thesis outside of EPFL.