Observational Cosmology
- Spectroscopic Surveys: creating a 3D map of galaxies and quasars in the Universe [LASTRO]
- Measuring Large Scale Structure through galaxy & quasar clustering [LASTRO] or Line Intensity Mapping [Radio Cosmology Group]
- Probing the Intergalactic Medium with the Lyman-Alpha forest [LASTRO] or 21cm measurements [Radio Cosmology Group]
- Cosmological Simulations: synthetic universes that mimic observed large-scale structure [LASTRO]
- Extragalactic Distance Scale: measuring distances and the Hubble constant using standard candles [RA Group]
- Dark Matter: measuring the self-interaction cross section of Dark Matter [DH Group]
Galaxy Formation & Evolution
- Formation and evolution of galaxies: surveys and numerical simulations
- Galaxy clusters and cosmic filamentary structures
- Local Group dwarf galaxies [PJ Group]
- Massive black holes and AGN: cosmological and galaxy simulations
- First galaxies and black holes at Cosmic Dawn: cosmological and galaxy simulations
- Interpretation of galaxy and AGN spectra: spectral evolution modelling
Stellar Physics
- Stellar Variability: Understanding pulsating stars through observations and theory [RA Group]
- Stellar Spectroscopy: Measuring high-precision radial velocities of classical Cepheids [RA Group]
- Understanding the nature of the First Stars in the Universe [PJ Group]
High-Energy Astrophysics
- Gamma Ray Astronomy [Astroparticle Physics Group]
- Searching for Pulsars and Radio Transients [Radio Cosmology Group]