Practical works (TP4)

TP-IV: EPFL Astrophysics offers students access to cutting-edge research in modern astrophysics and cosmology via practical work assignments, aiming to decipher existing observations, test established theories, and push forward innovative tools and methods to increase our understanding of the Universe.

The wide variety of these mini research projects reflects the broad range of topics and expertise covered by the different astrophysics research groups and laboratories at EPFL.

Applications from other disciplines are welcome – if you wish to participate in a project, please contact directly the indicated faculty member.

Note that some of the Master thesis projects can potentially be adapted to be TP-IVb. Please check both pages!

Proposed projects

Available as 2025-2026 TP-IV a & b (or other 8 credits projects).

Proposed by: Emma Tolley
Pulsars are compact dense stars which harbor extreme physical conditions not found elsewhere universe, such as ultra-strong gravitational and magnetic fields and supra-nuclear matter densities. Astrophysicists use pulsars to study extreme physics, probe micro-arcsecond structure and
turbulence in the interstellar medium, and detect of nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves with pulsar timing arrays.
This science relies on detecting and mapping pulsars via their periodic radio emission. Contemporary searches for pulsars rely on a brute-force approach, “folding” time series to stack the periodic pulsar emission and checking every possible combination of pulsar period and dispersion measure. However, this method is very computationally expensive, which can limit the reach of pulsar searches [1]. Searches in the Fourier domain can be more computationally efficient, but do not have the same sensitivity as time domain searches.

In this project, the student will work on developing a likelihood-analysis method for pulsar searches in the Fourier domain. By developing a parameterization for the expected pulsar signal in the Fourier domain, we can try to improve the sensitivity of Fourier-domain searches.
Proposed by: Christopher Finlay (PhD) & Emma Tolley

Radio astronomy provides a unique probe of astrophysical phenomena within and beyond our solar system. However, a new growing challenge of radio interferometers is Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Some of the loudest sources of radio waves are not from astrophysical sources, but radio and TV broadcasts, high-speed wireless communications (e.g. cell phone networks and WiFi), and radar. Radio interferometers are often built in remote and radio-quiet locations to avoid these sources of RFI. However, transient radio sources in the sky such as satellites are much more difficult to avoid. As the number of active satellites has rapidly increased (from 1,000 in 2013 to over 5,000 in 2022), RFI has become a growing concern in the radio astronomy community[1].
We can design a strategy for RFI subtraction by using the fact that many sources of RFI, such as satellites, airplanes, and cell phone towers, move on defined trajectories. These non-sidereal sources induce a distinct and predictable signature in the measured signal (visibilities) from radio interferometers. Trajectory-based RFI subtraction TABASCAL [2] takes advantage of this fact to separate astronomical (sidereal) signals from RFI (non-sidereal) signals}, and has been shown to effectively recover astrophysical signals in RFI contaminated data where this data would previously have been discarded.
In this project, the student will work on applying TABASCAL to real radio astronomy data collected by the MeerKAT or MWA telescopes, and characterize the RFI subtraction method, and compare to standard RFI flagging techniques.
[1] F. Di Vruno, B. Winkel, C. G. Bassa, G. I. G. J ́ozsa, M. A. Brentjens, A. Jessner, and S. Garrington. Unintended electromagnetic radiation from Starlink satellites detected with LOFAR between 110 and 188 MHz. , 676:A75, August 2023.
[2] Chris Finlay, Bruce A. Bassett, Martin Kunz, and Nadeem Oozeer. Trajectory-based RFI subtraction and calibration for radio interferometry. , 524(3):3231–3251, September 2023.
Proposed by: Nicolas Cerardi (Postdoc) & Emma Tolley

Cosmology is entering a new era with the deployment of next-generation telescopes like eRosita, Euclid, CMB-S4, and SKA, which will conduct large multi-wavelength surveys. These instruments will collect an unprecedented amount of data, offering a unique opportunity to explore the natures of dark energy and dark matter (DM). However, fully leveraging this information requires direct comparisons with cosmological simulations—a task currently constrained by the limited volumes achievable with existing computational resources.

To address this challenge, machine learning-based emulators have emerged as a promising solution to accelerate the forward modeling of astrophysical observations. In this project, we will focus on generating maps of extragalactic gas properties (such as temperature and density) from underlying DM density fields, using conditional deep generative models, including pix2pix GANs (Isola et al., 2018), diffusion models (Ho et al., 2020), and stochastic interpolants (Albergo et al., 2023). Using the extensive CAMELS simulation suite (Villaescusa-Navarro et al., 2021), we aim to create realistic 2D projections of these fields and extend this work into 3D representations. Another critical aspect of this endeavor will be incorporating the effects of baryonic physics in the conditioning of the emulators.
Proposed by: Florian Cabot (Visualization Scientist)
The Gaia space telescope is the ESA mission designed to chart a three-dimensional map of our Milky Way galaxy. The latest data release from Gaia (DR3) is a catalog of over 1.8 billion celestial objects with positions, motions, brightness, and colors. The catalog includes stars, galaxies, quasars, asteroids, and more. The sheer size and complexity of this data make it challenging to analyze and interpret. However, the data provides a unique opportunity for scientific discovery, and visualization is a powerful tool for gaining insights into such vast datasets. Our software VIRUP [1] is a Virtual Reality tool to do astrophysical data visualization that can be used for such a task, as it is optimized for large datasets.
This project requires importing the Gaia DR3 data into VIRUP to create new interactive visualizations of it. This would involve first developing a data processing pipeline for the raw data to convert it into a VIRUP-compatible format. Next, GPU-based code would be written to enhance the basic visualization provided by VIRUP to better suit the characteristics of the Gaia data. This exploratory project will give the student an opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich astrophysical dataset and interact with researchers actively working on it, to provide a tool that would be useful for their research.
Proposed by: Yves Revaz (Faculty), Pascale Jablonka (Faculty)
What is the mass range of the first stars? What are the conditions for them to become black holes or explode at the end of their evolution? What are the chemical signatures expected in either case? Can they be observed and if yes, where should we look ? These are some of  the questions that this project will address. 
To meet this challenge, the work will be based on numerical simulations that reproduce the properties of low mass galaxies. Because they have had very short star formation histories, they are indeed the systems with the highest probability of retaining the signatures of the early supernova explosions. Different models of first stars will be considered, mixing phenomena in the galaxy interstellar medium will be traced and quantified. The results will be used to plan new observations on strategic chemical elements.

Pulsating stars are extremely useful tools for astrophysics, since their light variations allow to measure distances and probe their interior structure. The current era of large time-domain surveys is revolutionizing our knowledge of pulsations and increases enormously their applicability for distance measurements. This allows us to unravel the structure of the Milky Way, the nearby Universe, and calibrate measurements of the expansion of the Universe.

In this project, we will use the all-sky survey TESS combined with the ESA space mission Gaia to obtain an unprecedented view of low-amplitude multi-periodic long-period variable stars in the Milky Way. The goal of the project will be to identify the variable stars through their variability, determine the variability properties, and calibrate the period-luminosity relations that allow to use them for distance measurements.

In this project, you will learn to

  • access large astronomical data sets through online archives, such as the Gaia archive and MAST
  • process large amounts of photometric time series using python
  • use astrometric (positions, parallax, proper motion) and photometric data to maximum advantage
  • distinguish different variability classes
  • calibrate period-luminosity relations

… and more!

This project can be done as a TP-IVb, other 8 ECTS, or Master project.

Contact: Bastian Lengen, Richard Anderson

The VELOCE (VELOcities of CEpheids) project provides unprecedented time-series radial velocity data of 256 classical Cepheids, including 75 spectroscopic binaries. Modeling these data is challenging because several signals are present at once: large amplitude pulsations (speeds of 10-70 km/s over weeks), orbital motion (up to 25 km/s over years), and other modulations, such as multi-periodicity, fluctuating periods, time-variable amplitudes, etc.

The goal of this project will be to extend an existing Markov Chain Monte Carlo code that models orbital motion to include the signals due to pulsational variability. The project can be easily extended to treat fluctuating periods or amplitudes as well. The challenge will be to find efficient implementations that allow to infer a maximum of information from the VELOCE radial velocity curves without overfitting.

In this project, you will learn to

  • work with optical spectra and high-precision radial velocity time series of pulsating stars
  • develop MCMC analysis tools and sharpen your statistics skills
  • contribute to a large Python code base (> 10000 lines) and an ongoing research program

… and more!

This project can be done as a TP-IVb, other 8 ECTS, or Master project.

Contact: Giordano Viviani, Richard Anderson

The VELOCE (VELOcities of CEpheids) project provides unprecedented time-series radial velocity data of 256 classical Cepheids, including 75 spectroscopic binaries. Modeling these data is challenging because several signals are present at once: large amplitude pulsations (speeds of 10-70 km/s over weeks), orbital motion (up to 25 km/s over years), and other modulations, such as multi-periodicity, fluctuating periods, time-variable amplitudes, etc.

The goal of this project will be to develop RV curve fitting methods using Regularization techniques to minimize the number of fit parameters used for representing pulsational variability. Regularization will improve the representation of Cepheid RV curves and allow to obtain more accurate orbital parameters, while also allowing the definition of RV template curves applicable to large spectroscopic surveys.

In this project, you will learn to

  • work with high-precision radial velocity time series of pulsating stars
  • develop regularization techniques for variability analyses and sharpen your statistics skills
  • contribute to a large Python code base (> 10000 lines) and an ongoing research program

… and more!

This project can be done as a TP-IVb, other 8 ECTS, or Master project.

Contact: Giordano Viviani, Richard Anderson

Cepheids are pulsating stars whose radius and brightness vary within a stable period. This feature is particularly important in astrometry since it allows us to measure their distance accurately. And consequently, use them as standard candles to calibrate the cosmic distance ladder. However, many other effects other than their pulsation can modify the incoming signals from these stars, such as the presence of an orbiting star. In these cases, the spectra, and therefore the measured radial velocity, of the Cepheid will contain information from both phenomena that can be complicated to distinguish.

 The aim of this project is to explore a newly developed methodology that could allow us to determine the pulsation and orbit periods of binary Cepheids without using any prior knowledge. This method constructs periodograms calculated using the concept of partial distance correlation, which allows us to effectively distinguish the Doppler shifts due to orbital motion and the spectral line variability induced by the stellar activity.

In this project, the student will work with part of the python package SPARTA and apply it to real study cases. The student will study the limitations and strong points of this method. Understand the precision and accuracy of the results. Propose modifications or improvements to the technique and experiment with them.




This project can be done as a TP-IVb, other 8 ECTS, or Master project.

Contact: Giordano Viviani, Richard Anderson