Judit Planas

Computing Division


Judit Planas is the Section Manager of Scientific Visualization in the Computing Division.


Judit manages the research and development of tools that scientific users need to support their science. These tools enable scientists to visualize and analyze the different aspects of neural circuit reconstructions and simulations at large scale. Her team is also responsible for the visualization infrastructure of the Project, which includes large display walls with multi-touch capability and an immersive 3D projection system. In addition, the team contributes to the creation of scientific visual content, primarily targeted for scientific dissemination activities.

Judit joined Blue Brain in 2015 as Post-doctoral Researcher in large-scale data analysis and I/O-intensive applications in supercomputing. In 2019, she became the Scientific Coordinator of the Computing Division, which gave her the opportunity to tackle a broader range of topics and in 2020, she was appointed the Section Manager of the Scientific Visualization team.

Judit received her Bachelors, Masters and PhD in Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain. She developed her Masters and PhD at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, focused on programming models for heterogeneous and high-performance computing systems.

Google Scholar – https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=LdxP4g0AAAAJ&hl=en

Outside of work, Judit enjoys spending time with friends, travelling and practicing outdoor sports, like skiing, cycling, roller skating, snorkeling and sailing.

Judit Planas, Fabien Delalondre and Felix Schürmann. Accelerating Data Analysis of Brain Tissue Simulations with Apache Spark. Spark + AI Summit 2018. San Francisco, USA. 2018.

Timothée Ewart, Judit Planas, Francesco Cremonesi, Kai Langen, Felix Schürmann and Fabien Delalondre. Neuromapp: A Mini-application Framework to Improve Neural Simulators. International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2017), LNCS, Volume 10266, pages 181-198. Frankfurt, Germany. 2017.

Judit Planas, Rosa M. Badia, Eduard Ayguade and Jesus Labarta. SSMART: Smart Scheduling of Multi-ARchitecture Tasks on Heterogeneous Systems. In proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Accelerator Programming using Directives (WACCPD ’15). In conjunction with The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’15). Austin, Texas, USA. 2015.

Judit Planas, Rosa M. Badia, Eduard Ayguade and Jesus Labarta. AMA: Asynchronous Management of Accelerators for Task-based Programming Models. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2015), Volume 51, pages 130-139. Reykjavík, Iceland. 2015.

Judit Planas, Rosa M. Badia, Eduard Ayguadé and Jesús Labarta. Self-Adaptive OmpSs Tasks in Heterogeneous Environments. In proc. of 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2013), pages 138-149. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 2013.