Alessandro Cattabiani

High Performance Computing



Alessandro Cattabiani is a Systems Specialist in the High Performance Computing team in the Computing Division.

His main focus at Blue Brain is on NEURON and CoreNEURON as an expert in simulators and solvers. His work involves improving performance, introducing new simulation methods, and finding and solving bugs.

Alessandro joined Blue Brain from CERN where he was a senior fellow on HiLumi, investigating new superconductors (Nb3Tn). He has a Bachelor and Master’s in aerospace engineering from Scuola superiore Sant’Anna, Universitá di Pisa. His PhD in computational mechanics and vibrations was gained from Ecole normale superieure de Cachan, France where he won the Computational Structural Mechanics Association (CSMA) prize for the best PhD thesis. He continued his studies at the Technical University of Munich having won an international competition for a post-doc fellowship on additive manufacturing.

In his spare time, Alessandro plays bridge having won many national titles and been a member of the Italian under 20-bridge team.


Cattabiani, Alessandro and Barbarulo, Andrea and Riou, Hervé and Ladevèze, Pierre Variational theory of complex rays applied to shell structures: in-plane inertia, quasi-symmetric ray distribution, and orthotropic materials

Cattabiani, Alessandro Simulation of low-and mid-frequency response of shocks with a frequency approach

Cattabiani, Alessandro and Barbarulo, Andrea and Riou, Hervé and Ladevèze, Pierre Extension of the variational theory of complex rays to orthotropic shallow shell structures