Sirio Bolaños Puchet

Simulation Neuroscience
Sirio Bolaños Puchet is a PhD Student in the Connectomics team in the Simulation Neuroscience Division.

His focus at the Blue Brain is primarily on building and simulating a detailed, large-scale model of rat primary somatosensory cortex. The goal is to use this model, at the various levels of description that it offers, to gain some insight on basic mechanisms of cortical sensory processing, with a focus on the impact of cortico-cortical connections.

He also contributes to the development and maintenance of simulator software, and tools for analysis and visualization of connectivity and neuronal activity.

Prior to joining Blue Brain, he was a Research Assistant at the National Cancer Institute in Mexico, involved in the acquisition, reconstruction and post-processing of preclinical imaging studies

Sirio has a Bachelors in Physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a Masters in Applied and Industrial Mathematics from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa, both in Mexico City. He received a Medal of University Merit for the best grades in his Master’s studies.

Outside of work, Sirio enjoys coding, going to the opera, playing video games/board games and dancing.


Zambrano-Rodríguez PC, Bolaños-Puchet S, Reyes-Alva HJ, Los Santos RA, Martinez-Cruz A, Guízar-Sahagún G, Medina LA.High-resolution Micro-CT Myelography to Assess Spinal Subarachnoid Space Changes After Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. Journal of Neuroimaging. 2021, 31(1):79-89.

Zambrano-Rodríguez PC, Bolaños-Puchet S, Reyes-Alva HJ, García-Orozco LE, Romero-Piña ME, Martinez-Cruz A, Guízar-Sahagún G, Medina LA. Micro-CT myelography using contrast-enhanced digital subtraction: feasibility and initial results in healthy rats. Neuroradiology. 2019 Mar; 61(3):323-330. DOI:10.1007/s00234-019-02162-8

Bolaños-Puchet S. xgrid3d: A free software tool for quantitative image analysis and internal dosimetry. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019 Apr; 2090(1):030003. DOI: 10.1063/1.5095898