Cluster Optics and photonics All faculties AVP-CP SB STI SV All institutes EDAM IBI IEM IGM IMX IPHYS Acronym Title Tags BIOS Bionanophotonic Systems Laboratory STI SV IBI EMSI Engineering Mechanics of Soft Interfaces STI IGM FIMAP Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fiber Devices STI IMX GALATEA Galatea Laboratory STI IEM IMAGING Center for Imaging AVP-CP LANES Nanoscale Electronics and Structures STI IEM LAPD Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices STI IEM LBEN Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology STI SV IBI LBNI Laboratory for Bio- and Nano-Instrumentation STI SV IBI LEAP Laboratory for Advanced Electromagnetics and Photonics STI IEM LMGN Laboratory of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Magnonics STI IMX LMIS1 Microsystems Laboratory 1 STI IEM LMSC Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials STI SB IMX IPHYS LNET Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies STI IGM LO Optics Laboratory STI IEM LPQM Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements STI SB IEM IPHYS LWE Laboratory of Wave Engineering STI IEM PHOSL Photonic Systems Laboratory STI IEM PV-LAB Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory STI IEM EDAM SCI-STI-LT SCI STI LT Group - Group for Fibre Optics STI IEM